Night Stories,Give you the most beautiful experience of the night

From the details to teach you to read the other side of your heart

In a sea of people, sometimes all it takes to get the attention and affection of the opposite sex is a look or a gesture. The article was recently published by Preventive Medicine and, and features a number of gender experts who teach men and women how to express their affection and attract the opposite sex through small details and gestures.

For men:

Keep smiling. This is the easiest way for a man to show good feelings for the opposite sex. Keep smiling and she will definitely notice you, get caught up in your emotions, maybe smile in return and start a conversation about it.

Eye contact. The length of eye contact is an important sign of affection or lack thereof. Look at her with your eyes and make more eye contact with her, and she will definitely think you are different.

Imitate each other. People will naturally imitate what they love. From the frequency of blinks to the way you speak, it’s natural to mimic a woman’s mannerisms and she’ll feel more in common with you.

Put your hands in your pockets. Men who stand with their hands on their hips or with their hands in their pants pockets are very confident body language and easy to get her attention.

Light physical touch. Touching her arm or waist unobtrusively while talking is definitely a direct way to show love. Be careful not to go overboard, just the right amount of contact.

Tilt your head. Tilting your head while the other person is talking, while keeping your eyes open, shows that you are interested in every word she says. Studies have found that when people are attracted to someone, their pupils naturally dilate and get bigger to get their attention.

Brows raised. Keeping your eyebrows raised when you’re communicating is a sure sign of affection.

Calling her name softly. Everyone is extra sensitive to their name, especially delicate women. Calling her gently will make her happy and feel that you care about her.


Nod and smile at him. Smiling is a powerful tool for bringing people closer together and neither men nor women can resist it. Smiling at a man and nodding knowingly is likely to be the start of a romance, and he may even come right up to you.

Ruffle your hair. Women subconsciously ruffle or fix their hair when they meet a man they like, an action that many men see as sexy.

Knees and toes facing each other. If you’re not sitting side-by-side in the car, make sure you’re facing him with your knees and toes facing each other, which tells him “I’m interested in you.

Dress modestly. Age or size should not be a barrier to showing off your charm. Regardless of body shape or age, choose clothes that best suit you and make you feel comfortable. Remember, don’t be too revealing. Surveys show that unfamiliar men rate the opposite sex less highly for being too revealing.

Spray some perfume. A fresh, seductive scent will give a lot of room for imagination and make men want to explore why you smell so good.

Lick your lips. Studies have found that women subconsciously lick their lips when they are interested in men. This action does attract a man’s attention and even makes him want to get into it. Of course licking your lips in public may not be appropriate, so eating a candy can have the same effect.

Happy and confident. Most men like women who are confident and happy. So, don’t be afraid to strike up a conversation with a man. Offer to say hello and he may be willing to learn more.

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