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Four kinds of bad mindset beware of marriage crisis knocking on the door

The pursuit of a happy marriage is not easy, but to maintain a happy marriage is even more difficult, which requires a good mindset, because a bad mindset can easily cause a “marriage crisis”, or even the breakdown of the marriage. Even marriage breakup. So as a female friend of yours. Do you know how to give the marriage relationship detoxification? Here, I’ll remind you to start at the source, take a look.

1. Psychologist and marriage and family therapist Dr. Susan Hetler says that every couple faces challenges, but if problems are not spoken about, then the marriage relationship is bound to be more strained and the disconnect will grow. Fear of talking about sensitive issues for fear of arguments, keeping things bottled up inside, and poor couple communication skills will only increase misunderstandings and lead to depression. Suggestions: Couples should read more books on interpersonal communication and marriage education, and it is also good to seek help from experts on marriage issues.

2. Not good at listening

Marriage and family therapy in California, USA Everyone wants the other person to listen to their point of view, says expert Dr. Sharon Rifkin. But in troubled marriages, it is the effective listening to each other that couples usually lack. Listening to only a few words is most likely to lead to “off-topic” and spousal arguments. Suggestion: Dr. Rifkin suggests that couples agree to listen to each other carefully for 3-5 minutes without interrupting.

3. Blame each other

In an argumentative and constantly resentful pile of un In a happy marriage, couples tend to blame each other rather than take responsibility for their actions. Blaming or finger-pointing never solves anything, but only gradually escalates the couple’s quarrels. Suggestion: Dr. Rivkin suggests trying to identify the core issues that couples argue about, such as a feeling that the other person is not listening to you, does not love you or does not appreciate you. Only by understanding the reasons for the arguments can we change each other’s behavior.

4. Not seeing the good in each other

Many families have Problems such as “no one to greet you when you get home from work” and “no praise for cooking your husband’s favorite meal”. Everyone wants to be appreciated and loved. Once these needs are ignored, it is easy to feel lonely and neglected. Suggestion: A small gift or a simple “thank you” is enough to show appreciation for your spouse. The occasional romantic date is also a reflection of appreciation for your spouse and the importance of the relationship. All of these things help to eliminate any resentment or grievances between the couple.

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