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Five Warnings of Female Infertility

   Alert 1: Suffering from endometriosis< /p>

When a woman notices that she has clinical manifestations such as abnormal bleeding, dysmenorrhea, periodic rectal and anal cramps with painful reactions such as low back pain, she should consider the possibility that she has endometriosis. This condition can cause infertility in 75% of women and should not be taken lightly.

Alert 2: Those with endometrial tuberculosis

The primary focus of this disease is pulmonary tuberculosis, followed by peritoneal tuberculosis, which spreads hematogenously, invading the fallopian tubes first and then spreading to the endometrium, which in turn leads to infertility. Severe cases of the disease have obvious symptoms, in addition to genital lesions, and are accompanied by systemic symptoms, which should be actively combated by women. Because of the factor of getting pregnant, women with the disease are advised to use herbal treatment to reduce side effects.



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Alert 3: History of appendicitis

Many people are unaware that appendicitis not only predisposes women to ectopic pregnancy later in life, but that perforated appendicitis can also cause tubal obstruction, which in turn can lead to female infertility. Therefore this issue should be taken seriously.

Alert 4: Multiple abortions

Multiple abortions for female fertility may lead to excessive scraping, involving part of the basal layer of the uterine membrane, making it difficult for a fertilized egg to implant. Second, abortion is prone to infection, which can cause gynecological inflammation, which in turn can affect sperm motility and survival time. These can make conception rates lower. For example, inflammation of the fallopian tubes can potentially affect the union of sperm and egg.


Alert 5: Abnormal obesity

People’s weight is strongly related to the endocrine function of the body. If a woman’s endocrine function is disturbed, it will make the muscles tend to be obese, which will affect ovulation and lead to infertility. This kind of infertility, in Chinese medicine, is called infertility caused by phlegm-damp obstruction. The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you want to do.

Warm Reminder:

Prevention of infertility should start with teenage girls

Girls who are cold during their menstrual period and suffer from emotional discomfort may suffer from cold stagnation, qi stagnation and blood stagnation, which may lead to infertility. The company’s main goal is to provide a comprehensive range of products and services to the public. Generally speaking, the causes of menstrual disorders in young girls are relatively simple and easy to treat, and herbs can solve the problem. The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you want to do.

Checkups should be done promptly

If there is no natural pregnancy after one year without contraception, then checkups can be started. However, those with primary amenorrhea or long-term secondary amenorrhea should be seen earlier. Patients should undergo a thorough examination to reach one or more correct diagnoses. If some patients have tubal obstruction and are also not ovulating. Then, there is no point in treating ovulation until it is determined whether the tubes are patent.

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