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Five tricks to confess to let the goddess fall in love with you

There is a girl you love and would love to confess your love to her, but a simple confession seems insincere and not heartfelt. As an attractive man, how to impress women? Let women willingly follow you? Remember, these 5 tricks will be able to make women fall in love with you ……

One, diligent, do things in a timely manner

Men may not understand that in the eyes of women, men are mostly judged on the basis of their specific actions. This is why men say “I love you” to women when women act so calmly, or even ask “really?” The reason. Because men’s mouths go far beyond their legs. The result of such flippancy is certainly not convincing to women.

In fact, when women ask “Really? She’s not really asking for the perfect answer from the man. She is just expressing her doubts about the relationship, hoping to determine the authenticity of love. If the man is ready to say the three words before, can be in place in time to do something real, no woman will not hold on to the man’s arms. Sometimes you don’t even need to say it, love will come to you.

Tension was a shy boy who later married a beautiful flight attendant. When his wife talked about their relationship history at the wedding, she said, “Although he never told me he loved me, I knew in my heart because he took the initiative to pick me up every time I came home, no matter what time of day it was.” This shows how much women value a man’s actions.

Second, decisive, unspoken decisions

Women’s indecisiveness is something that men often appreciate and feel headaches.

When you go to the mall with a woman, they will keep picking and choosing over a dress, and when they finally decide to buy it, they start to regret it just after they walk out the door. And in the relationship they are also worried about a lot. Men hope to get a positive answer from them is simply a luxury. This situation actually shows a sense of psychological fear of women, is a woman because they must be responsible for their actions and fear. They are afraid of making the wrong decision and fear that they will not be able to take responsibility for it.

So when men need to express their desires, they should be decisive. For example, when looking for a woman to go on a trip, instead of asking her, “Would it be good to travel together next time?” It is better to tell her in a categorical tone: “Next time we travel together!” This way, the woman will be much more likely to agree to the next date. Such a decisive decision may seem brutal on the surface, but it actually reflects a man’s ability to get things done and helps a woman resolve issues that have been pending.

For women, if a man takes his actions for granted, the result will be a natural “obey him as a matter of course,” even if the woman still feels some resistance. “. Modern women may no longer say things like “I’ll do whatever you want,” but they can’t get rid of their desire to have a man decide everything in some matters.

Three, smart and good at using small props to win big prizes

There are no shortcuts to love, but a smart man can certainly get twice as much done with half the effort.

Giving flowers every day is commonplace and uninspired; buying jewelry and clothes is vulgar. The only thing that will impress women is the scenes they never thought of but will never forget – knowing that “love is the prize of a smart man”.

For eight years, Mary hadn’t said yes to her boyfriend’s proposal, but at her 29th birthday dinner, she finally decided to marry this man. And guess what for? Because she received one of her long hair that she had when she met her boyfriend. Keep in mind that she had already cut her hair short 6 years ago.

Fourth, good memory, remembering all the details of a woman

Women Women are usually more concerned with the minutiae of life, and their world is almost always made up of a multitude of little sesame things. Men, on the other hand, tend to care less about these things. For example, women know exactly how many colors and styles of clothes they have, while men can’t even be sure how many pairs of underwear they have.

Women are often very touched when a man secretly writes down one of their hobbies, something they are scheduled to do, a past experience, etc., without thinking about it, and brings it up at the right time. Because they think it is impossible for a man to remember such trivial things, they interpret the male’s approach as attention to themselves. “He forgot about other things, only remembered about me”, or even secretly “how much he cares about me”! This kind of touching can easily translate into a strong trust and attachment to the man.

Five, commitment, courageous responsibility

The ideal woman The first thing a man should be is a man who is brave enough to take responsibility. This includes a commitment to love, a commitment to family, a commitment to the future, and almost all of a woman’s concerns are things that a man needs to give a commitment to.

Because to women, commitment symbolizes how much a man values them. Women may never imagine that men and women are equal, but they will never give up fighting for their important place in a man’s life. The commitment a man gives them is tantamount to recognizing the position they need. Commitment also represents the formation of a contractual relationship that women want. Whether it is marriage or cohabitation, women’s idealization makes them believe in commitment far more than they believe in the law. Commitment also emphasizes the protection that a man can provide to a woman. Women are easily frightened creatures, and the love they spend their lives searching for is somehow nothing more than a haven, a kind of safe island to rely on.

There is a Japanese saying: one push, two pushes, three more pushes! Women are not like the cold dishes in the stalls on demand, in the process of women’s relationships without enough patience and perseverance to the end is absolutely not possible. They reject the man’s psychology is actually very simple, or the heart is willing but unwilling to immediately state, or the heart is still indecisive, or simply do not want to agree. The latter is not a problem, but the first two require a lot of effort.

Because a woman is psychologically vulnerable after rejection, the success rate of starting a second attack here is quite high. If the second time doesn’t work, come to the third time. The woman is still confused and hesitant, but she is also prone to passive obedience and may even agree to your pursuit because “you said so”.

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