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Five things are not handled well after marriage is difficult to be happy

Marriage, the beautiful wish we hold to live together for the rest of our lives, is serious, sacred and happy. But many people have heard that marriage is the grave of love. But I don’t think so, folks, want to be happy in the future marriage? Then please take care of the following 5 items.

One of them is an introvert with an inconsiderate husband.

The safest and most secure marriages are complementary ones, and most marital imbalances and eventual failures are due to the couple not complementing each other or failing to complement each other. Just like an extroverted man who likes to have fun, he will only mature and grow up when he meets a gentle and calm woman.

And a woman who is introverted and withdrawn, she will only be happy if she is married to a man who is extroverted and delicate and humorous, it doesn’t matter if she doesn’t like to talk, he can tell jokes to make her happy, she doesn’t like to go out and make friends and play, it’s okay, he will do her job and drag her out. She’ll do her job and drag her out for a walk.

However, the biggest fear is that the woman herself is introverted and her husband is particularly careless and inconsiderate, and the melancholy in her heart is iced by silence and loneliness, and the more silence the deeper the loneliness, the thicker the ice in her heart. The sky is always blue to understand that women are depressed after marriage, the vast majority of them are close to or belong to this situation.

Two, those whose husbands are away from home all the time and live with their in-laws.

Once a netizen confided in Sky Forever Azure that her in-laws treated her completely differently when her husband was not at home and when he was at home, and this very different attitude before and after made her depressed and even disgusted.

In fact, this situation is completely existent, the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law live in one room for a long time, since ancient times there are rarely and the slightest stumbling will cause conflicts. However, people in the family often take the side of the in-laws, especially when the man is not at home, the woman is particularly vulnerable to bullying. In addition, she is alone, and her husband often does not see the truth, which is really unspeakable.

Three, those who are unable to support themselves and have no way to manage their husbands.

The sky is always blue, women must have one of two things after marriage, either they can live on their own, or you have the ability and ability to really harness the man. If these two, you are useless, then the marriage red light is sooner or later, and this loss of power in the marriage once a long time, will certainly suffer from depression.

Fourth, those who live apart and have one person to take care of the children.

People who are not married and have children will never understand how much energy and effort it takes to bring up a child. The pain and hardship of being alone with a child, especially for many women who have just gotten married and haven’t really matured yet, can never be expressed in words.

Fifth, those who have too strong a personality and no financial resources.

In real life, there is a category of women who belong to the reed type. In the marriage, they are like a reed on the wall, head heavy and shallow roots. How should this be interpreted? The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you are getting into.

In fact, this type of woman is very poor, the more rigid her personality is, the more pathetic she is, so pathetic that she has no one to ask, nowhere to talk to, or is not willing to talk to. In fact, this is a society that respects the rules of survival very much, the weak are strong, the strongest first, and the same applies to marriage.

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