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Five reasons for women to become unmarried

Many women are not only mavericks in their careers, but they are also a little bit mavericks in their approach to marriage. What exactly is the reason for some women to become “unmarried”? The following follow the editorial to understand it!

1.Too busy to be a housewife

She can stay up until dawn on a copy, but simply doesn’t have time to be a housewife, drafting her next conference speech while others are preparing a loving dinner. The most familiar friends in her life are her workmates. She can be a boss, a confidante or even a fuck buddy, but never a girlfriend or a wife.

2. Can’t handle family disputes

Relationships are for two people, but marriages are for two families. The marriage is a matter for two families. -The actual fact is that you can find out what kind of gifts you should bring to your relatives’ house, to who’s parents you should live with, who should go back to for the New Year, and who should raise the children. The company’s main goal is to provide a solution to the problem of the problem.

3. mother-in-law phobics

She loves him, but she’s afraid The forum is full of “I’m speechless with my mother-in-law,” “My husband beat me in front of his mother,” “My mother-in-law dislikes me for having a daughter,” and the bookstore The whole shelf is “mother-in-law came” “mother-in-law fierce” “mother-in-law ate the whole family of daughter-in-law” …… mother-in-law is the biggest imaginary enemy in her life. The face good heart oh degree is no less than the wolf grandmother and the poisonous queen. The relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is not good, so it is better to go back to each family and find each mother.

4, don’t want to be a mother

In Sex and the City, there is this reason for the large number of single women: “It has to do with the biological situation, if you get married you have to have children, and after thirty-five you have to immediately Have a baby, that’s what it’s all about”. In fact, what she fears is this: from the first day of marriage, she will become your mom, then pregnant, then the mom of her second child, at which point she will be doing multiple jobs: mom of two volunteer nanny of two volunteer cook of two.

5. Men change their faces after marriage

Women learn from their predecessors The experience that women get from their predecessors is often that men change their faces after marriage. The first thing you need to do is to be careful and take care of yourself, and do everything you can to make you happy and not let you lose your temper. The actual fact is that you can find a lot of people who are not able to take out the garbage.

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