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Find the right dating method skillfully say goodbye to single

Dating nowadays, although the kind of traditional thinking that existed in ancient times, generally follows the free development between singles, and dating is just a way for singles to get to know each other, and the next step is on their own.

Phasing is also known as phasing portals and pair watching. Marriage etiquette. The first time the two sides met to discuss the marriage, the matchmaker contacted the arrangement. The matchmaking ceremony has been much the same throughout the ages. In the old days, men and women did not see each other, but by the parents of the long relatives, is through the bridesmaid will not know the two men and women together, meet this day the men and women are paying special attention to personal image, and strive to leave a good impression on each other. If a man goes to a woman’s house to meet, he must be combed and groomed, clothes and hats are new, tired of the male children, parents or parents also have to teach him how to toast cigarettes and wine after arriving at the woman’s house, how to speak and address, how to serve food to people, etc., and then go to the woman’s house under the guidance of the matchmaker and parents or parents, whose demeanor is mostly restrained and dull, dashing and generous is not enough.

The criteria for choosing a spouse should not be “all-inclusive”

“I’m not so far down that I’m looking for marriage, am I?” I often hear singles who can’t wait to draw a line in the sand to show that they are still worth their weight in gold. Many older youths seem to have kept this a secret, seeing the draft as a disgrace, especially since some women prefer not to marry for life, rather than muster the courage to take this step. As a result, the proportion of foreigners seeking marriage is much higher than locals at marriage agencies, and there are more men than women.

The purpose of marriage recruitment is to expand the dating opportunities, if the mouth is full of money, 30 years old still adhere to the 20-year-old “up the hall, down the kitchen, talent and appearance,” the choice of spouse criteria, naturally will lose a lot of marriage. The company’s main goal is to provide a better understanding of the marketplace, and to provide a better understanding of the marketplace.

Naturally and openly going on a blind date

The traditional way of meeting someone on a blind date has been revived in a new era. The best thing about blind dates is that the two parties are not only in love, but they are also in love. The biggest advantage of matchmaking is that both sides know exactly what they are doing and have ensured effective communication; since the matchmaking is introduced by others, although it is impossible to know everything, but more or less know a little bit, the credit threshold has been artificially raised and the defensiveness of the parties can be lowered a little. The company’s main goal is to provide a better solution to the problem.

When someone is willing to match you up, don’t rush to be reserved, waving your hand and saying, “I’m sure the introduction is not as good as a casual encounter,” or “I’m not in a hurry. “, in the face of other people’s enthusiasm to introduce, should be dispelled, remove the baggage, natural and frank acceptance. And in the event that love is slow to come, you should put down your stance and take the initiative to mobilize your friends and relatives and ask them to find someone for you.

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