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Feminism is coming straight female cancer do you have?

We often say that Chinese men are not good enough for Chinese women? Why? Society is progressing, but men’s requirements for women haven’t changed even three hundred years ago. It’s a terrible thing, and what’s even more terrible than that is that many women demand the same of themselves.

Watching “Problem Restaurant,” it quickly becomes clear that it’s a theme-first drama that flagrantly opens with a conversation about feminism, and that the male characters in the show invariably suffer from late-stage “straight cancer The male characters in the drama are all suffering from late-stage “straight male cancer”. But by the fifth or sixth episode, “Problem Restaurant” shows greater ambition: the script does not stop at bombarding the phenomenon of “straight male cancer,” but expands its criticism to a broad social psychology – a “universal social standard” that shapes the hearts and minds of most people. The script does not stop at blasting the phenomenon of “straight men’s cancer,” but extends the critique to a broad social psychology – a “social norm” that shapes the ideal image of women in the minds of most people, solidifies gender identity, and requires women to suppress their true desires to conform infinitely to the “ideal woman” society expects.

The ideal woman as defined by men

Look at

At the center of the five girls is “Sailor Moon” Tsukino rabbit –willful, weepy, and slow-witted — the most compatible with male expectations of the “ideal girlfriend”;

next to “Mars” Rei Firenze – spunky, sarcastic, and “Mercury” Ami Mizuno — good grades, good girl, quiet personality.

There’s Jupiter’s Maki Kino – strong, “girlie” on the outside, but a little girl on the inside. The “Venus” Minako Aino – good at sports and has a sense of justice.

While several of the girl warriors are good, their placements still imply an order of priority for “ideal female” traits: beauty and meekness are absolute prerequisites, and goofiness is good. The first thing you need to do is to be a good girl.

“The Restaurant in Question” doesn’t mince words about the symptoms of “straight male cancer,” as each male character is simply “not the scummiest, only scummier. “The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers. The woman is to be beautiful, so that men can look happy and have fun, all the time shouting that they are being sexually harassed is not able to afford to joke, do not know what to do” restaurant manager.

There are thousands of ways that “straight” people can manifest themselves, but they all fall under the same spell – the idea that The woman should be soft, submissive and “feminine”. They are deaf to what women really think, and it is better for women not to have any ideas of their own. Anyone who doesn’t conform to their standard of femininity is a foolish and insensitive act.

What is straight female cancer

Straight female cancer is your own mind Women who put on the shackles of this “gender identity”. Is this rare? Not only do men see women this way, but women see themselves this way too. We have all seen such girls, dress cute and sweet, speak whispering, suffering from “love dependency”. Every man is her potential love object, even if not out of sincerity, but also to everyone with a smile. The most important goal in life is to get a good man and then quit and get married.

Rather than labeling this character a “green tea whore,” she suffers from “straight female cancer.” –The “ideal female image” imposed by society is taken as a matter of course. Even when she encounters unfair treatment in the workplace, she has to put up with it because “that’s what women do in the company”. And the thing she does best is – play dumb.

What does a straight woman do when things go wrong?

Groped on the butt and sexually harassed: even if I get groped on the butt, I won’t say anything at all. Being sexually harassed? The other person is probably just looking for some warmth, so just forgive him. The actual fact is that you can find a lot of people who are not interested in the actual thing. I can’t help it if I meet a pervert, it’s my fault for wearing a short skirt.

Rejecting an invitation to have dinner with a man you don’t like is an undesirable way to pretend to be cool and self-righteous.

Even if you’re told that a man doesn’t like your outfit, reply: I’m sorry I’ll take care of it. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

What do we do

Even if you’re bullied, it’s better than “Nobody wants it”. It’s nothing to please and flatter, it’s the shame of being a woman to have to pay for your own meals. The social oppression has turned into self-awareness – that’s why “straight women’s cancer” is worse than “straight men’s cancer”. In the case of straight women, they are the worst victims of social pressure, so it seems they are not only less hateful, but even worthy of sympathy.

Society’s confinement of women’s gender roles has permeated every woman’s heart. For example, housewives believe that they are looked down upon is also something that can not be helped, after all, they do not have a skill and do not know the dangers of society, is always less than the professional women. Men work to earn money, women cook and watch the children, is the ideal family shaped by society. The company’s main goal is to provide a better solution to the problem of the problem.

On the one hand, society rejects independent, smart and tough women, who men find unfeminine, along with sexes that find them too flashy and forceful.

On the other hand, society appreciates women who are gentle, delicate, and devoted to their families, yet they are labeled as “dependent” and looked down upon by other women. The men appear to like them, but deep down they don’t see each other as equals, and their “liking” carries a condescending posture. This is related to China’s long-standing marriage model, where the man is the head of the family and the woman is the head of the family. The man must be the first focus of the family, and the woman’s existence is to serve the man and his family.

Whether it’s “straight male cancer” or “straight female cancer,” it’s a disease of society as a whole. It’s not easy for men to live up to expectations under social pressure. It’s important not to let society’s, collective will erase individual, vibrant lives, and on this point, the interests of men and women are aligned.

On the one hand, in times of social change, it is normal for perceptions to catch up with material change. On the other hand, no matter how men view women, two people together always have to live their lives, as long as they find a point that everyone can accept. The most important thing is that we can not change men’s views on women in a short time, but how do we want to see ourselves? How do we ask ourselves? What are we going to do about it?

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