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Fear of loving or being loved 5 symptoms of love phobia

Relationship phobia adds to the worries of many friends, especially most young people. There are many reasons for relationship phobia, such as watching too much melodrama, or being influenced by the family environment, or being hurt in a relationship, etc. The following is a list of some of the symptoms of relationship phobia.

I. Fear of falling in love, and even more fear of falling in love with someone else

Some people with relationship phobia are so unsure of themselves that they are afraid that they will fall deeply in love with someone else who will not treat them with the same feelings, a phenomenon that is often very unacceptable to people with relationship phobia.

II. Fear of being hurt and rejected

Relationship phobia The patient is afraid to express himself even if he is deeply in love with the other person. He is afraid that the other person will reject him and that he will resent him as a result. Such thoughts put people with relationship phobia into deep anxiety and panic, and they often prefer unrequited love to confessing their love to the other person.

Three, fear of being in the moment of greatest love, fear of losing everything in love

Some people with relationship phobia fear that they will lose friends because of falling in love, so they would rather stay in an ambiguous relationship than fall in love.

Fourth, fear of hurting others and losing a heart that loves freedom

Fear that if you fall in love, you will never go back to the old days, and fear that you will love the other person more than they love you.

V. Fear of wasting a lot of spare time because of falling in love

Always reluctant to lose your freedom and afraid of losing the freedom and personal space you used to have when you were single because of a relationship.

The above five symptoms are the main symptoms of relationship phobia, but of course, we cannot rule out the possibility that individual patients also have other symptoms, after all, each person’s relationship experience, view of love, view of life and personality characteristics are different, so their symptoms may not be The symptoms may not be the same. The first thing you need to do is to go to the hospital as soon as possible to consult your doctor if you find yourself with similar symptoms.

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