Night Stories,Give you the most beautiful experience of the night

Falling Leaves

It was late autumn, with dead leaves drifting and a cool breeze coming in with a slight chill. I stood by the highway, waiting for the first bus from the town to Chengdu. It was the end of December and the morning was foggy. It was a blur from a few dozen meters away.

My mother kept telling me to send a letter home to Chengdu and stay at my cousin’s place. The last thing is to find a girlfriend and start a family early. This last sentence is the point. I’m 20 years old this year, still no girlfriend, not graduated from high school on the social mix, big things do not commit, small mistakes constantly, the eyes of the rural people became the “second-rate son”. I don’t know how many canes Dad broke for this, but it didn’t help. I still did what I wanted, and the way people looked at me let me know that they hated me. But in my heart I despise these hillbillies, right?

My heart is to do great things, my heart idol is Chow Yun Fat, his performance in the [Shanghai Tang], [the hero’s color] is particularly impressive. The dashing demeanor, intoxicating smile have convinced me, but also deliberately for the imitation. The gossip of the people around me was disregarded. I was so different and rebellious, who would marry a good girl to me? Now I think about how childish and ridiculous my actions were when I was a child.

Seeing me like this, my father was completely discouraged, he had said that he did not have me as a son. The most important thing is that I’m afraid I won’t be able to get a wife and be a bachelor. I know I will not, I am a person with a goal, I will grasp the proportion. But reality is crueler than imagination. In a dinner with a few friends, and the neighboring table and an argument and a person was seriously injured, and now the police station is investigating this. Anxiety, fear, I do not know what the consequences, how long will be sentenced to go in, those days are sleepless nights, it turns out, I still have a fear of the time, has been pretending to be strong inside, but life has smashed it to pieces.

Dad saw me like this, let me go to Chengdu to stay for a while, as long as I do well in the future, things by him to help me set things right. I know that he has the ability, because he is, after all, the head of a village, the size or a cadre, know some people.

The car came, perhaps there is a dense fog, driving slowly, far away to see two beams of light, for the first time really away from home, there is a strange heart, the car stopped, I got into the car, the car drove away for a while, from the car window far also see mother standing on the roadside, the moment there is a kind of sour feeling rushed to the heart.

“Where are you going? The back of that seat is empty, go sit there. “The conductor saw me still standing and enthusiastically shouted to me.

I walked over to sit down and found a woman’s handbag on the seat. It must be the girl sitting by the window. She saw me standing, panicked, took away the bag, whispered: “Sorry. ”

I sat down to buy my ticket and admired the scenery outside the car. A fragrance came, refreshing, heart rippled, did not feel turn my head to survey her, coincidentally with her gaze, she blushed slightly, looking out the window.

This is a beautiful girl, at least from her silhouette, she has a quiet beauty, long silky hair hanging on the shoulders, face smooth and fair, big flashing eyes hiding a hint of sadness, she must be a person with a story.

The fog was lifting and the car felt much faster. We didn’t say anything to each other all the way. She was probably sleepy, her eyes were closed, and she had a delicate face under her long eyelashes. What a beauty. I was bored to look left and right. At that time, cell phones were still a luxury item, not yet available to ordinary people. I am a lively and active person, and who can talk a few words, but there is a beautiful woman around, but I do not know how to talk, dumb, feel a potential oppression, so I am uncomfortable.

Suddenly, I saw two people in front of me who were not normal, not to say that they were thieves, but not like normal passengers, and specialize in leaning towards the crowded places. There are not many cars in Chengdu, there are only two classes a day, one at six in the morning and one at ten in the morning, making this trip a popular car, there are a lot of people sitting, and now even the aisle is also sitting a lot of people. There are many people who seem to be sleeping, using this rare opportunity to take a good rest.

One person’s hand had reached out to a sleeping grandfather, “Thief.” My first feeling tells me that these two people are thieves, one is responsible for stealing, and one uses his body to cover. This is the kind of person I despise the most, to get something for nothing.

I nudged the girl next to me with my arm, and she opened her drowsy eyes, surprised with a touch of shame. I moved closer to her and whispered, “The two people in front are thieves, pay attention. “A woman’s body scent made me dazzled, my heart pounded, and for the first time I had a heartbeat.

“Thank you. “She whispered a shallow voice, her face swept a flush, more charming and delicate. If I didn’t have good ears and focus, I couldn’t really hear.

She and I began an exchange of questions. The first thing I did was to get to know the people in my town, and we were both at the same level of middle school, my first class and her third class. The first time I saw a woman, I was in the middle of the class. It’s really a big change. I was able to get into high school, and although I dropped out of high school in the first year of high school and got involved in society, it was better than her not graduating from junior high school to work outside.

We both have a lot of common language, the more we talk, the more we get to know each other. So much so that the two thieves off the car are unaware.

“Why do you have such long hair? How ugly it is.” The road saw my proud long hair, a face of disdain.

“Do you know Qi Qin who sings [Wolf]? His hair is also long. “I explained to him.

“It’s hard to find a job with long hair. What are you doing in Chengdu? “Lu knew I hadn’t been to work, had this appearance, and ancient and traditional people are not good people at first glance.

“I went to look for work, there is no point in the old home. I do not know if the job is good?” I said a little confused.

“If you are willing to cut your hair, you can go to work with me and I will introduce you in. “Lu said enthusiastically.

“I do not know anything, no experience to do?” I can’t help but worry.

“Afraid of what, I just went still inexperienced, learn a few days can,” said the road confidently.

Road in Chengdu a hot pot city work, listen to her say that this hot pot city in Chengdu is very cattle, open several branches, the environment is good, the treatment is also good, regardless of food and accommodation. I really have the idea of going to work there, there is a potential reason in my heart, I hope to see Lu often, a girl to twenty years old the only one that makes my heart ripple.

When we arrived in Chengdu, we got off the bus and left each other our contact addresses. I watched her tall back fade away, and I stood still, perhaps, something should happen between me and Lu.

I went to my cousin’s place, cousin in the garment factory work, early in the morning and late at night, very hard, and no suitable for me to do the work. I stayed for two days with nothing to do, the figure of the road often came to mind, I was restless, for the first time I had the feeling that the day was like a year.

My cousin also had a job posting here, but I didn’t bother to go there. A voice in my heart was shouting, “Go ahead, the road is for you. On the third day, I couldn’t stand the inner torment, so I talked to Lu on the phone with a trembling voice at a public phone, she was at work and heard that I hadn’t found a job, so she told me to go over and she introduced me to Hot Pot City.

I put down the phone and couldn’t hold back my excitement, my heart was still pounding for a long time, Lu, I’m coming!

In the barber store, a slightly fat boss lady heard that I want to cut off the long hair, even asked two times, looked at me strangely and began to cut up. I know she does not understand, a carefully preserved five years of long hair, easily destroyed, not so easy to make up your mind, for the road, I am willing, then the feeling of giving my heart to her I am willing, let alone a long hair?

The haircut, head cold, looking at themselves in the mirror, bewildered, this is me? The heart is disappointed as if lost.

When I arrived at the hot pot city of the road, the road saw me also slightly stunned, smiled. I was taken to the lobby manager’s office. The procedure is very simple, fill out a form, look at the documents, give the relevant matters, pay 150 yuan clothing fee pressure gold. I did not then, only a few tens of dollars, the road said, from her salary deduction it. I gave her a grateful look, really heartfelt gratitude, this is trust, and trust is how important to me at the moment.

Road see me like this, face slightly red, lowered his head, out of the office road face is still unnatural. I started my amazing journey in the hot pot city.

The menu, folded mouth cloth, set the table, all kinds of etiquette, busy, compared with the original life, although hard, but the heart is full, the key is for the road in a class, always get along, that feeling beautiful, I can feel from the eyes of the road to her eyes on me, we have each other that meaning, just separated by a thin layer of window paper, did not poke.

The opportunity to come, on the night of New Year’s Eve, hot pot city in the third floor conference room held a tea party. We do not have a holiday for the Spring Festival, after the festival rotating to make up for it, so that to continue to do, then the Spring Festival must be in place, this time is also the best time for the hot pot city business. My mother called and asked me to go back, things have been set right. How can I go back? Now I am the team leader, work like a fish in water, not to mention the road?

The family knows that I am all right, as long as in the work, earn money or not, really do not care, can not go back, also do not force, just told me to pay attention to health.

The tea party was very grand, decorated with festive and joyful, the bosses were all present, each performing a program, my turn, I sang a song Andy Lau’s [ironically love you], sang with deep emotion, everyone held their breath and silence. My singing standard is good, I feel good, Andy Lau’s songs and I am the best, although Qi Qin is my idol, but my voice is not suitable for his songs, I just remember that night is over the top, the heart has a feeling it.

Tea party adjourned, it was already two o’clock in the morning, this is already the first day of the New Year. Outside has long been fireworks, when firecrackers and fireworks control is not strict, not in a location unified fire, but like the countryside, everywhere is a brilliant fireworks. I stood side by side with the road outside the hot pot city, looking at the sky dancing gorgeous fireworks, the road on the fragrance of my mind, I panic at a loss for words …….

The unexpected scene happened, the road gently snuggled up to me, her hair tresses Mosha my nose, that is a kind of confusion ah. I hold the road soft little hand, nervous palms are sweaty, feel everything is in a dream, fireworks burning flashing bright light, the road and I are drunk, so beautiful beautiful.

“You just so handsome. “Road’s voice is as thin as a mosquito whisper, a few inaudible, and like a self-talking murmur.

“You are so beautiful now. I’m so happy. ” I blurted out.

“Really? I’m happy now, too. ” Lou squeezed my hand.

We didn’t sleep that night, walking the streets outside of Hot Pot City until dawn, screaming with excitement, welcoming the first wee hours of the New Year, and more importantly, welcoming the beginning of our love, that night, I kissed her, we were both awkward, but both very committed, it was my first kiss, I wonder if it was Lu’s first kiss? I do not know, and did not have the opportunity to ask her, because, soon, she left the hot pot city.

That time was very sudden, her home to call, let her go back immediately, I am working, she panicked not to say goodbye to me and rushed away. Since then, for various reasons, we have not seen each other. A few months later, I came home to know that the road’s dad died of a sudden illness, that day back, the road’s mother had to marry her to a distant relative, this person out of contract work, the family’s wealth, at that time to play Nokia 8810, is not I can compare, not to mention the road family still owes him a lot of money?

Road married quickly, soon after the funeral of his father and her husband went to the field, no news, not to inquire, but do not want to lift the scar.

I don’t know if the road was struggling to wander, I listened to the heart instead of very calm, we are not love, just mutual appreciation, at most love is the initial stage of the hair alcohol just. I have some small regrets inside, just want to ask: “Road, you really like me?”

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