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Don’t rush to accept him who is chasing you during the relationship inspection period

If you are a leftover woman, experiencing pressure from family and friends or you happen to be in a period when you really want to fall in love, at this time, there is a good man appearing, will you be ecstatic? The first thing you need to do is to take a look at the man who is pursuing you

Why do you say that? Not all men’s advances are simply genuine. Just like not all women’s pursuits of men are purely sincere. Sometimes men who pursue you very attentively may not have bad intentions.

1. The person pursuing you may have other intentions.

For example, if you make a bet with a friend that you can be pursued within a certain time or make something within a certain time, if you foolishly give your heart, what you may get in return is his ridicule and your own heartbreak. This is more likely to happen to beautiful women or women who are harder to chase, so it’s necessary to think about it more.

Also, for example, he is just a prodigal son, playing the game of love, and you are just a visitor to him. Some women retort that the prodigal son will not be replaced. But, silly woman, how can you be sure you are the woman who ended him? Maybe it’s the next woman who ends him, and then what do you do?

2. Maybe he just needs a relationship and not a permanent partner.

This happens more often when he is in a period of need for companionship and healing after a love injury. This is because the best way to treat a love injury is to carry out another relationship. In fact, this is the time when he just needs to be in a new environment to think about what kind of relationship he ultimately needs, and if you foolishly bump into it, most of them end up becoming his interpreters rather than partners.

3. He hasn’t figured out what he wants.

Most of this happens when there is a lot of pressure to start a relationship, just to satisfy someone else’s demands. In fact, he has not yet thought about how he wants to be, with him is to accompany him in the process of continuous debugging. This kind of person is generally not very mature emotionally. It is important to note that there is not necessarily a causal relationship between this and age and experience.

While we don’t recommend that women rush to accept a man who is pursuing you, it is possible to give it a try if the person is really exciting to you or if you happen to want to fall in love and feel good about it. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

But be careful, you have to feel carefully to see if he is sincere about you. If he is sincere, even a flash marriage is worth it. If he is not sincere, kick him out of the game and don’t let him get in the way of your love life.

Watch him from a life perspective to see if he’s a sloppy or neat person.

For example, look at his room, what are some of the furnishings, clean or dirty. If some things are neatly arranged, but the bed is messy, it is possible that just this period of time is relatively busy, did not clean up the bed. If all very dirty, some even piled with dust, then you have to be careful, which indicates that he may be a sloppy vice, and extremely lazy nature of the person, then you have to think well, love can not care, but the future is difficult to say, you have confidence and such a man living together? Can you tolerate or change this dirty habit of his for a long time? This is going to take a lot of energy.

Observe his personality by the way he talks and behaves.

Speaking and acting can reveal a person’s personality. If he likes to talk about his family with warmth in front of you, this kind of man tends to have patience.

If he likes to judge others, look down on anyone, listen to rumors, and even gloat over what happens to others, this kind of man tends to be arrogant and selfish, so it’s better to leave him alone before it’s too late.

A man who speaks sarcastically about others is actually elevating himself by belittling them, which is mentally unhealthy and has no basic confidence in himself.

You can also observe him in the way he acts.

In a sense, a man’s attitude toward his work is his attitude toward life. Any man who jumps ship when he is slightly unhappy at work can almost be expected to be the first party to give in the couple’s relationship, always asking you to make compromises first. You have to consider whether you can tolerate such a man in the long run.

See if he’s caring by how he treats his kids.

Some people say that a man who likes children is more loving. I think there is some truth to this statement.

Usually men who are too much trouble with children and refuse to be close to them are less responsible men and don’t make good fathers.

Watch his heart for you by how punctual he is.

If he always makes you wait for him every time you go on a date, he doesn’t take you seriously, and at the same time he thinks his time is more important than yours, which is actually a lack of respect for you. To put it bluntly, he doesn’t care much about you. Then it’s better to let go early.

If it’s not for a specific reason, a man is late for a date or has the excuse “I’m busy at work, I’ll see you later” or “I have something tonight. I’ll talk to you some other time.” The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

Whether he has a filial heart or an Oedipal complex can be seen in his attitude toward his mother.

A man who is filial to his mother will usually love his wife as well. But be careful if this kind of man is only mother’s orders, there is only a thin line between filial piety and foolish filial piety. The first thing you need to do is to think about it from the wife’s point of view, so that the mother-in-law relationship is more difficult to get along.

See his attitude toward the world by his spending and his attitude toward money.

Generosity is not necessarily a good thing for men, but a stingy man will definitely make it difficult for girls to tolerate. Because stingy, petty men are also bound to be calculating when it comes to emotions.

As for a man who spends a lot of money, is often overdrawn, or even in debt, don’t get involved with him.

In fact, observe this aspect, of course, the principle issues such as profligacy is a must to refuse. Other unprincipled issues, such as slovenliness, can be considered if you feel that after being with him, you can accept his habits and take care of hygiene issues yourself.

Consider carefully what kind of life you want to live and what kind of person you choose. Whether you accept in haste or give it a lot of thought, fit is the most important thing. Don’t be bound by the reality of the rules and regulations, but also be responsible for your own emotional and personal safety, and picking your significant other well means being responsible for yourself.

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