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Don’t make 5 taboos on a first date: talk about yourself

When you finally meet the person you’ve been looking for, it’s hard not to be nervous about going on your first official date, and you’ve probably practiced what you’re going to say dozens of times in your mind. There are 5 big taboos you should be careful not to commit, otherwise you are likely to mess it up!

1. Talking about yourself

While dating is a process to get to know each other, it’s also a process to get to know each other better. understanding of each other, there is absolutely no need for you to let him know everything about you the first time you are alone together. How to maintain the proper level of mystery is a lesson women learn throughout their lives.

2. Turn the date into a grievance meeting

Don’t talk about your past on the first You’ll only make you look like a spiteful woman and make him feel a little awkward. If he brings it up curiously, you can simply pass it by.

3. Play with your phone a lot

Yes, we all reach for our phones to save the day when the mood is cold or awkward, but you It’s best not to use this trick on the first date. No man would feel better in the face of such a cavalier attitude – do you see him as air?

4. Wait for the man to settle the bill

No woman likes a stingy But that doesn’t mean you can treat the fact that a man should always offer to pay the check as a due, and the small act of offering to pay the check will score you a lot of points – because you are so educated and understanding.

5. Invite a friend to a date

Some women like to bring their best friend along. They think it will keep the atmosphere cool and that their girlfriends can help them with their “counseling”. This is a silly thing to do until your relationship is stable and you have his approval.

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