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Do you really understand him? 7 thinking points of men

Men often say they don’t know what women are really thinking, but women are often confused about men’s logic too! The communication barrier between the sexes is an old and stubborn crummy tit, what’s the solution to crack it?

We always complain that men don’t know enough about women, but do we really know enough about our men? Not necessarily enough. How to avoid the dilemma of chicken and duck talk, there is talk of the other side did not understand it? In fact, if you put yourself in a man’s shoes and have an understanding of their thinking perspective, it’s easy to know the point of his expression.

1. He doesn’t have the ability to multi-task

It’s hard for men to Girls know this all too well. Because we’ve all tried to tell him while he’s playing video games or watching a football game, “Hey! Talk to me! I’ve been having a lot of fun today…” and it usually ends in tragedy, because we’re often the ones who talk all the time and only get a few “ehhhhhhs” every few minutes, and then we can’t help but wonder if he doesn’t even care about our problems.

It turns out to be “multi-tasking”! When he already has a thing on hand when busy, if you picked this time to talk to him about your relationship problems or your life to share, experience has proved that it is not really a good time. It’s not because your man doesn’t love you or isn’t interested, but most men really can’t multi-task. When he’s already focused on one thing, he’ll tend to finish one thing before moving on to the next task.

What to do? If you have something to share with him, wait until he’s not busy at hand, or talk to him face-to-face, I need you to listen. Trust that your man will respond to you and you won’t be alone with your exasperation.

2. The 30-second rule for men

Maybe you often think The truth is, when you hear the words “you’re a man, you’re a man. But the truth is, when hearing “What do you think?” When hearing a simple question like “What do you think?”, men and women deal with it in completely different ways. Women tend to express all their feelings as “immediately” as possible in the moment, while men tend to consolidate and then give an answer they think is perfect.

What to do? Wait patiently for his answer, and try to understand his priorities as best you can. If you just want to express your feelings with him, then just tell him that you want him to listen quietly.

3. He likes to solve problems

As women, we The man’s face is serious, telling you how to solve the problem and what steps to take will be better in the future…so you can’t help but have three lines on your face and can’t help but say, in fact, what we really want is just a hug or comfort…

What to do? Find a tacit understanding between the two of you. If you really need him to be a quiet listener at this moment, why not just be honest with her and you will find that he is actually a good listener and will give you comfort at the right time to make you feel loved.

4. He has trouble paying attention to details

When we tell something We like to talk about something from start to finish, but most men, on the other hand, are eager to hear the main point.

What do we do? It’s really not that your man isn’t interested in your story, it’s just that he can’t really spend much energy on those little details, so just speak to him to get to the point. Leave those detail enhancements to the sisterhood.

5. He doesn’t like to play you-guess-me-guess

You Maybe you’ve had a fight like this, where you think you’ve made it obvious why your man still can’t guess? In fact, most men really do not have the special ability to guess the heart. The first thing you need to do is to tell him, “What do you really want?” instead of letting him guess and guess wrong.

So when you say, “I want you to love me more,” a man can’t really figure out what it means to love more. You think you have shown very obvious, but for men, he does not know where your love needs to be shown. For example, a phone call every day? Saying I love you? If you want something, be direct and bold.

What are we going to do? That’s the part that’s going to go between the two men to reconcile. We certainly don’t want men to become a robot with one command and one action, so women tend not to give too much practical “execution strategy”, otherwise the relationship becomes like a military drill what’s the point? But occasionally a little more specific, men will know more about what you need. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

6. He likes to hear sweet talk

Truthfully, men’s self-esteem The company’s products and services are designed to meet the needs of the market. If he is attentive to you a two or three times, you are seemingly indifferent (and perhaps secretly happy within the heart, just too shy to say it), then after a few times, you will find that he is no longer as active as before. Because he doesn’t receive any feedback or praise from you, he subconsciously thinks that you don’t actually like him doing it.

What are we going to do? But put it this way, who doesn’t expect to be praised as well as affirmed? Don’t be shy about giving each other a little encouragement as well as praise in each other’s lives, and let your praise be the motivation for each other to go further.

7. He wants you to smile a lot

If he says. “If you’re happy, I’m happy.” That’s not a lie, for men, the greatest sense of accomplishment during a relationship is nothing more than seeing a happy smile on your face, and that’s what he considers the greatest purpose of a relationship. So if during the relationship, you are always unhappy, complaining, dissatisfied, as if the stink face is your normal expression, at first he will seriously try to change different ways to “solve the problem”, and over time he will not be able to make you happy, and a deep sense of powerlessness and frustration, and will even begin to think that you deserve more than he .

So it’s not that he’s not positive anymore, it’s that he thinks that maybe he just isn’t the one who can make you happy.

How to break the deadlock: First of all, first of all, believe from the bottom of your heart that the man who loves you will want you to be happy, after all, no one likes to be in a relationship that is miserable from beginning to end. The first thing you need to do is to make sure that you have a good idea of what you are doing.

There is certainly more than one man and woman in the world, and women want men to know more about themselves, and men do not. In the end, the relationship is actually just mutual, you try to understand me, I also try to understand you. The above seven points, I hope that men and women can understand each other’s different thinking logic, and together to find the most suitable for each other to get along with the model, after all, suitable, is the best.

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