Night Stories,Give you the most beautiful experience of the night

Davey’s Journey, Part 30

Davey has plans for a big party, however, before it happens he goes to pool and learns some secrets, and not very good ones.

I left the park after escorting Candace home, and after seeing that there were no more of my ‘friends’ around to ‘play’ with. This was probably a smart thing anyways as there were more people starting to enter the park. Some were running around an athletic track that an elementary school across the street would sometimes use, and some were entering the forest to hike the trails.

Once I was home I checked what time it was and got ready to go to the pool. I expected to meet most of the rest of the girls there and would let them know of my plans for today. If not I would just text the ones that weren’t there, as I had most of their numbers anyway.

Once I got to the pool I was greeted by a smiling Ashley Cooper, as well as Sandy and her mother, Alice.

“Well, looks like the gang is mostly here,” I commented as I approached the group, “but I don’t see Jenny, nor do I see Helene and her mother. Or Amy and her mother.”

“Kathy and Jenny came here earlier,” Mrs. Cooper said to me. Yeah, I knew her first name, but I still called her and thought of her as Mrs. Cooper.

“Mrs. Smith brought her daughter here,” I asked. I knew she did that sometimes, but I figured she might have been to tired to do so.

Mrs. Cooper nodded her head and told me, “yeah, she did. Just don’t call her Mrs. Smith. She stopped going by that after her divorce. She goes by her maiden name, O’Brian.”

“Well… that’s understandable,” I commented as we walked into the facility.

“You guys gonin ahead, I’ll catch up in a second,” Mrs. Cooper told the mother, daughter duo, and pulled me aside, saying to me, “there’s something I need to tell you.”

I stood there with my old teacher, doing my best to put on a questioning look, but in reality I was worried she might have found out about the relationship between me and her daughter, Kelly. “What’s up?”

“You really do not want to call Jenny’s mother, Kathy, Mrs. Smith,” she informed me in a hush yet stern tone, “you have to call Mrs. O’Brian.”

I nodded and commented, “let me guess. Her divorce from Jenny’s dad was… messy.”

Mrs. Cooper sighed and said, “that’s… an understatement. She started her divorce proceedings seven years ago, and didn’t stop until a little over three years later.”

I scratched my head at this and asked her, “do divorces usually take that long?” I knew of a few kids from my classes who’s parents were divorced, but no one ever asked them about it. It was kind of a unwritten rule that you didn’t ask someone about their parents divorced.

Mrs. Cooper shook her head and said, “usually not, but her’s got pretty nasty. They would have even kept going if I hadn’t sat them both down, told them that it was seriously starting to affect Jenny, mentally and emotionally, and that if they didn’t hack out an agreement, I would call CPS on them.”

I took a deep breath and told her, “I can’t blame you for doing that. It was either get them to be adults, or let Jenny continue to suffer.”

My former teacher nodded her head, and revealed, “we grew up in the same neighborhood together, me and Kathy. I’ve known her most of my life. We kinda lost touch when I went to college, but she was a bridesmaid at my wedding, and vice-versa, and was even there when Kelly was born, as I was there for her when Jenny was born. We really reconnected when her daughter start school. I noticed she was having some problems, and when I asked her about it, she told me about her parents divorce, and that it was making her really miserable. So I sat them down one day in my classroom and told them both that their child is miserable and a emotional wreck because of their pettiness, and if they didn’t hack out an agreement, I would be taking Jenny to my home that night, and she would stay with me, my husband, and Kelly until they finally did come to an agreement. And if they tried to stop me I would contact both the police and CPS, and charge them with child neglect. They knew I wasn’t joking either, because I’ve done it before!”

I knew that last part was not a lie. I was in her very first class as a teacher, and there was a kid in my class that was being spanked by his parents a lot… in the face. When she found out she immediately called the police and had them arrested! She even took the child in for a few days until his aunt and uncle could get him.

“Was Kathy and her ex-husband pissed at you after that?” I asked her, wondering how the two women mended their friendship after that intervention.

“I couldn’t tell you about Richard. I never saw him again after that day,” she explained to me.” As for Kathy, she actually thank me and gave me a hug. Told me she didn’t realize just how badly their divorce was affecting Jenny.”

“Were they satisfied with the agreement?” I asked, while not curious about the terms of the agreement, I did want to know if both parties got what they wanted.

She shook her head, and told me, “nope, but they were willing to live with it, just as long as both adhered. As my husband likes to say, ‘there are only two ways to know if an agreement is good and probably won’t be broken. If both sides are happy with it, or if neither side is happy with it, but willing to live with it.’”

That oddly made sense to me, and caused me to ask, “what does your husband do again?”

Mrs. Cooper laughed and said, “he’s a lawyer. He actually works for Johnathan Jackson. You know who he is, right?”

“I just fucked his youngest daughter a little while ago,” I thought to myself before saying, “he’s a member of the state House of Delegates, and is running for the House of Representatives. I’ve met him him before. My grandfather donated a large amount of money to his campaigns.”

“Well that nice of him,” she told me, and me and her were about to go join the other’s when another familiar face came through the gate.

“Hi, Danny. Hi, Alissa!” She called out to the pair, and seeing them confirmed what I believed about the little Jehovah’s Witness girl I had sex with yesterday… and today. First, she was indeed mixed-race. And second, her father was white.

“Hey, Ashley,” the man called out, followed by Alissa waving and saying, “hello, Mrs. Cooper. Hello, Davey.”

Danny stopped for a moment in surprise when he heard his daughter say my name, and when he came closer he asked me, “are you the same guy that helped run off that nut job at that stand my daughter was helping run and hand out… religious materials.”

I noticed that the guy hesitated when he used the term ‘religious material’. “Probably wanted to call it ‘cult propaganda’ but doesn’t want to upset his daughter.” I nodded my head and said, “yeah, that’s me.”

He held out his hand, and I extended mine to shake his. After we shook hands he said, “thank you for doing that, and for helping her when she got caught in that storm too.”

I shrugged and said, “it’s no problem. I don’t mind helping.”

Mrs. Cooper chimed in and said, “it’s true! He even helped my little girl, Kelly, when she got lost in the woods at the park and skinned her knee.”

Danny, who looked like he was in his early to mid thirties, turned to me and said, “well aren’t you a knight in shining armor.”

I smiled and humorously bowed towards Alissa, and said to her, “my lady.”

Alissa giggled at my actions, and Danny asked Mrs. Cooper, “so where is Kelly at? I was hoping that she and Alissa could, you know, hang out?”

Mrs. Cooper smiled, gently shook her head, and told the man, “she’s at camp. She’ll be there for another week, but a few of her friends are here.”

Danny smiled and said, “well, maybe Alissa can hang out with them.” He turned to his daughter and told her, “let’s go get a table, okay?”

“Okay,” she said with a small smile, “Bye, Mrs. Cooper. Bye, Davey.”

We both waved goodbye, even if we were at the same facility, and would most likely run into each other again. Mrs. Cooper then turned to me, and commented, “you certainly have a way with young women.”

I gave her a smirk, mostly to hide the panick the I felt inside, and simply said, “yep. Let’s go sit down and go swimming.”

We walked over to set of tables that were currently hosting Sandy and Alice Stone, and and Jenny Smith and Kathy O’Brian.

“Hi Jenny. Hi Mrs… O’Brian,” I caught myself before accidentally calling her ‘Mrs. Smith’. Fortunately she didn’t notice, and greeted me with a warm smile.

“Hi, Davey. Long time no see,” the pretty red haired woman commented before adding in, “I think the last I saw you was at the block party we held when Alice’s son got shipped out. So how have you been?”

I shrugged and told her, “I’m fine. I was just been busy with school, and this year is the first I’ve had my driver’s license, so I’ve been doing a lot of hiking.”

“A real outdoorsman I see,” she told me as she gave me a quick look up and down, which oddly left me feeling both uncomfortable and excited at the same time. I didn’t say anything about it because I didn’t want to embarrass her. Also she was hot. You could definitely tell she and Jenny were mother and daughter. Hell, they could almost be mistaken for sisters, and if Jenny developed just like her mother then she was going to have double D’s for sure!

“Well, I’m going to go for a swim,” Kathy stood up, and while she walked to the edge of the pool, sat down on the edge, and slipped in. She may have been wearing a green one-piece bathing suit, and was heavily coated in sunscreen, but she left little to the imagination.

“I’m going in too!”, “me too!”, both Jenny and and Sandy said, respectively. Jenny was wearing a green one-piece, simular to her mother. And like her mother her exposed parts were also covered heavily in sunscreen. Sandy meanwhile, while not as heavily coated in sunscreen as her friend, was wearing a lite blue bikini. Jenny did a cannon ball into the pool, while Sandy dived in.

The other two women headed to the diving boards, while I dived in and began doing my usual laps. While there I saw Marie, Yasmin, Gina, Amy, and Helene hanging out on one side of the pool. I was about to go over to them and tell them about my plans, but suddenly both Alissa and her father, Danny, swam up right beside me. Then Danny asked me, “wanna race?”

I shrugged my shoulders and said, “sure. Wanna do either a speed or endurance race?”

“We should do the speed one,” Alissa suggested, “because If we do the endurance one and tire out in the deep end, it might not end well.”

I almost said, “probably not for you” but I held my tongue and asked, “how many laps?”

Danny thought about it for a moment as he began getting into position against the wall, and asked, “is five laps okay?”

I thought about it for a couple of seconds before nodding my head in agreement, “five will be fine.” I could do a whole lot more, but that’s only if I’m going at my own pace. In this case I will have to focus my energy into my speed, so I can’t do to many laps, otherwise I risk becoming fatigued, and in water that can be fatal.

“Hey, can we join in?” Sandy called out, with Jenny in tow. While Sandy didn’t surprise me, as I knew she was a good swimmer, Jenny somewhat did, and I wondered if she somehow got dragged into this race.

“Alissa, I don’t know if you’ve met these two, the brunette is Sandy Stone, and the redhead is Jenny Smith,” I told the slightly younger girl, pointing out Sandy and Jenny as I introduced the two.

“Yeah, they go to my school. Or atleast they use too,” she said in a bit of a shy tone of voice.

“Maybe her father should allow her to talk about her religion at school?” I thought to myself, it might annoy some kids, but it might help her better with her communication skills, and not be as reluctant to talk to people.

“Oh, your Alice Stone’s daughter,” he said to Sandy. “I’ve met her at the PTA meetings. She tells me that you’re a bit of an athlete.”

“Yep!” Sandy replied with a big smile.

He then turned to Jenny and commented, “I don’t think I’ve met your mother, Jenny?”

Jenny shook her head and said, “she doesn’t have time to go to any PTA meetings. She usually works at night. And when she’s off she spends her time with me, unless she has to do something else, but she is here now… somewhere.”

The redhead looked around, and didn’t see her mother anywhere. Hell, I didn’t either, so I told our little group, “well, let’s get this race started. Five laps everyone.”

The five of us lined up against the wall, ready to push ourselves off. It was Jenny, then Sandy, then me, then Alissa, and then finally Danny.

Once we were ready Danny counted down from three, and once he said ‘go’, off we went.

We swam our hearts out, and while not many people watched, there were a few, mainly the rest of my young female ‘friends’, as well as the mother’s of Sandy and Jenny, plus Mrs. Cooper.

We all did the five laps with ease, except Jenny, who began struggling near the end of her fourth lap, and look almost as red as her hair when she finished, which was last, way last.

The other results were that Alissa came in forth, followed by Sandy, then me, and finally in first, Danny, which honestly didn’t surprise me because just looking at him anyone could tell he was in pretty good shape.

Okay. That last part is an understatement. He’s cut better than me, and damn near looks like a male model. The guy even shaved his body hair.

Kathy entered the pool, went over to her daughter, and asked with concern, “are you okay, Jenny?”

“I’m… fine… mommy… I’m… just… a little worn out…” Jenny told her mother heavy breaths.

“I’m sorry about that Mrs. Smith,” Danny said as he approached the mother daughter duo. “It’s my fault. I should have made it only four laps.”

Kathy’s head shot up as soon as Danny called her ‘Mrs. Smith’, and both Alice and Mrs. Cooper began getting in the pool, probably in hopes of preventing the redhead from committing a felony.

“My name is,” she said in one of the most demonic tone of voices I’ve heard, and for a moment I’m pretty sure her eyes turned the same color as her hair. However, once she turned around her tone of voice and facial features changed. Instead of looking like someone who was about to do something that would send her to prison for the next fifteen to twenty years, her face and voice now looked and sounded like that of a love sick teenager who just laid eyes on their crush!

“It’s… O’Brian. Kathy O’Brian,” she said, holding out her hand in a gesture meant to shake his, which he did but gently, almost like he was lightly holding her hand rather than shaking it.

“Mine name is Daniel. Daniel Thompson. Most people just call me Danny,” he said in the near same tone of voice that Kathy just used.

“You have got to fucking kidding me,” I said under my breath when I watched these two adults act much like my sister did with her first boyfriend.

I got out of the water, joined Alice and Mrs. Cooper, and asked my former teacher, “how long has it been since she’s dated someone?”

Mrs. Cooper took a deep breath and said, “about three years.”

Alice leaned over and whispered to both of us, “I can’t blame her for falling for him. I mean look at him.”

Both myself and my former teacher just nodded our heads in agreement, although did I feel like I needed to add in, “while I do agree with you ladies I feel like I should let you know that I am straight.”

Both women let out a chuckle, and the two lovebirds got out of the pool, and appeared to be heading over to the concessions area. Jenny, Sandy, Alissa meanwhile got out of the pool, and came over to us. Then Alissa asked, “what’s going on with them?”

“It… looks like you might end up getting a stepmother and stepsister at some point in the future,” I informed her, not really sure just how to tell her what was going on.

Alissa looked at me, then back at her father, then back at me and ask, “who?”

“Obviously my mother,” Jenny said in a annoyed tone of voice. “And if they get married that means we would become stepsisters.”

I wasn’t sure how Alissa would react to that revelation, but her tone of voice sounded almost sad, “it would be nice to have ano… I mean, to have a sister.”

“What do you mean by…” Jenny was about to ask her potential future stepsister something, but Mrs. Cooper stopped her from doing so and said to Alissa, “I need to talk to Jenny for a moment.”

Sandy, as nosy as she could sometimes be, could also pick up on things better than some kids her age, and took Alissa’s hand before telling her, “come on, let’s go introduce you to some of my other friends.”

Alissa looked at us, then looked at Sandy, and with a small smile she said ‘okay’, and jumped in the pool with her new friend.

We watched as the pair headed over to the other girls, and once they were out of our range Mrs. Cooper got down to Jenny’s level and said to Jenny, “Jenny, I have to ask you this. Please don’t ask her about having any siblings.”

“But… she doesn’t have any siblings, does she?” Jenny asked with a confused look.

“Look. I don’t think I can tell you, but please don’t ask her about having any siblings,” the older woman nearly pleaded with her.

Jenny took a deep breath and said, “okay. I promise I won’t.”

Mrs. Cooper hugged the girl, which felt like it was a little strange, however, Alice on the other just had a sad look on her face. Once she broke her hug she told the girl, “okay. Now go join the others.”

“Yes, Mrs. Cooper,” she said with a giggle, and jump into the pool. Once she was some distance away I asked my former teacher, “can you tell me what’s that about?”

She took a deep breath and asked, “can you keep a secret?” I nodded my head to let her know that I could. A few tears came from her eyes when she revealed, “When Alissa was six, she and her mother were in a really bad car crash. She ended up spending several days in a hospital, and her mother was in a coma for a week.”

“Oh my God…” I said in shock, and I was silent for a moment before something clicked in my head, so I asked, “was her mother pregnant?”

Alice spoke up, sadly shook her head and said, “no, she wasn’t.”

It took me a moment to let all the pieces of the puzzle fit together, but once they did I could only come to one conclusion, “she had sister, didn’t she?”

More tears came from Mrs. Cooper’s eyes, and even Alice was shedding some tears. My former teacher then confirmed, “yes. She had a three-year-old sister, and she was killed in that wreak. She was on life support for four days before she died.”

“A fucking drunk driver hit them,” Alice said, now looking both sad and pissed at the same time. “Hit them, and then drove off. If his sorry ass hadn’t driven into the river he’d be sitting in prison for the rest of his life. May he rot in Hell.”

It didn’t surprise me that she thought so lowly of drunk drivers, especially considering the fact that ten years ago her younger brother was killed in a car crash with a drunk driver. From my understanding it happened just as he was returning home from Sandy’s first birthday, turning a joyful occasion into one of sorrow.

“I remembered she was such a happy kid,” Mrs. Cooper told me, “but after what happened she just… changed. Now she’s more quite and reserved. Plus, she didn’t care less about her religion, but after what happened it was pretty much the only thing she would talk about. I know a lot of parents felt sympathy for her, as she was just trying to cope with her sister’s death, but they didn’t want her converting their kids or trying to force her religion on them. Finally her father stepped in and made her stop, because none of us teachers legally could until her parents stepped in and let us. What made things worse for the girl is that her parents were starting to get a divorce. It was a lot more civil than the one Jenny’s parents went through, but still, considering what had happened.”

I took a deep breath and said, “that’s… a lot to take in.” I then turned to Alice and said, “I hope Sandy doesn’t find out about that and start asking Alissa a bunch of questions she probably doesn’t want to answer.”

“Sandy already knows,” Alice revealed to me. “She found out last year when she was trying to become friends with Alissa. Once she found out she decided she would just leave her alone.”

That last part surprised me a little bit. I looked over at the group of girls and commented, “looks like they’re going to become friends anyhow.”

Alice smiled in their direction and said, “they both could use some more friends.”

“Well, I think I’ll go annoy them for a few minutes,” I told women, which caused them to chuckle a little. I then dove into the water, and swam over to the group of eight preteen girls.

“Hey ladies,” I told the group, which caused several of them to giggle. “How would you all like to have another party at my house this afternoon?”

Most of the girls looked at me with a questioning look, while Amy and Alissa gave me a confused look, and Sandy just giggled. After a moment Helene held up her hand and asked, “do you think that’s a good idea?”

Sandy rolled her eyes and told Alissa, “tell them what you just told me.”

“Umm… yesterday… and this morning… me and Davey had sex,” she told the group, which caused everyone but Amy and Sandy to drop their jaws and stare at me.

“Why is this strange,” Amy asked. Being that she had never met Alissa, she had no idea about her religion.

I was about to answer, but then Alissa told Amy, “Nà shì yīnwèi wǒ shì yēhéhuá jiànzhèng rén.”

Now everyone looked surprised, including Amy. Jenny then turned to Sandy and asked, “what did she just say?”

Alissa, not Sandy, spoke up, and told her potential future stepsister, “I said, ‘That is because I am a Jehovah’s Witness.’”

“I’ll ask her about when and why she learned Mandarin later,” I thought to myself and told her, “the type of party I am planning to have this afternoon is a sex party, or an orgy, and I am wondering if you would like to join us?”

Alissa thought about what I told her, and asked, “can I bring Sarah and Amber Millett with me?”

I smiled and nodded my head, telling her, “I’d love for them to join us.”

“Oh cool! Amber’s coming!” Yasmin said excitedly. “It’s been a while since I had sex with her.”

“Why I am not surprised you had sex with her,” Jenny said, sarcastically, which caused us all to burst out in laughter.

I proceeded to let the girls know of my plans. Same as before, with the addition of Alissa bringing Sarah and Amber with her. I gave her directions to my house from the trail in the woods, but she gave me a small smile and told me she had actually been to my house a couple of times over the years to hand out copies of the Watchtower to my parents. It was always on Saturday, and I was never there at the time.

I also arranged to meet at the park to pick up Helene, Amy, and Marie. Hopefully I would be able to pick up Vicky and Emmie as well. “And maybe even Candace!” I thought to myself.

I left about an hour later, telling everyone I would see them later, and headed on home. The rest of my time at the pool was mostly uneventful, save for Danny and Kathy exchanging numbers. I almost want to tell them to ‘get a room’ but they may have actually taken me up on my suggestion.

I took a quick shower to freshen up, and sent a text message to a certain daughter of a African-American state Delegate asking if she wants to come over to my party this afternoon. She said ‘YES!!!’, and I knew we would have an even amount of people, so everyone could get a partner.

A few minutes before I was to go a pick up my little group from the park there was a knock at my back door. I looked out the window, and saw some familiar red hair. I then opened the door, and allowed not only Jenny, but also Sandy, Yasmin, and Gina into my den.

“Welcome, ladies,” I told the group as I let the group of two eleven-year-olds and two nine-year-olds into my house. Just seeing them made my sixteen-year-old cock twitch.

I went over to Jenny first, gave her a kiss, and then removed her green shirt so I could give her tits a small suck, followed by a kiss to her navel. She giggled and said, “you sure do like sucking my tits!”

I gave her tits another suck, and told her, “can’t help it!”

The girls let out a giggle, and one by one the came over to give Jenny’s tits a suck. First Yasmin, then Sandy, and finally Gina. Jenny then went and removed Sandy’s brown shirt, and gave her tits a suck, followed by taking off Yasmin’s pink dress, and giving her tits a suck. She finally went over to Gina, took her yellow shirt off, and sucked her tiny tits.

“It just seems like a titty sucking fest,” Sandy commented to me, to which I replied, “yep” then bent over, and gave her tits a good suck.

Jenny led the two younger girls into the bedroom, and Sandy asked, “should we join them?”

I gave her tits another suck, and told her, “in a bit. Right now, I need to stick my dick in someone.”

Sandy gave me a smirk and said, “I can be that someone.”

I kissed her, and led her over to the couch, I then helped her remove her shorts and panties while at the same time I kissed and licked her navel. Once the rest of her clothes were removed I licked my way from her navel to her pussy, where I proceeded to slowly run my tongue up and down her slit.

Sandy gasped and moaned as I slowly tasted her for a couple of minutes, making her nice and wet before I shifted her body to be laying down on my couch, and I quickly removed my own boxer shorts and pants. While I was doing this I heard the unmistakable moans of pleasure from Gina coming from my bedroom.

“Guess she was up first,” I thought to myself as I got over top of Sandy, and spread her legs apart. I then lifted her hips up a bit, lined my cock up with her pussy, and slowly entered her.

Sandy moaned in pleasure as I began to slowly fuck her eleven-year-old pussy, pushing and pulling in and out of her. I grabbed a hold of her sides and began my thrusts, slowly at first, but harder and faster as I went. I continued to going harder and faster little by little until I felt her about to come, then I really began thrusting in her hard, until she finally came, shaking a moaning loudly, her pussy tightening around my cock, which caused me to come as well, shooting my pent up seed into her insides.

I gave her a few more thrusts before pulling out. I then rolled her on top of me, and we kissed for a couple of minutes until I heard another knock at the door, which broke me out of my trance and half way scared the shit out of me!

“Must be Alissa and the Millett sisters,” I said as I moved Sandy off of me, and went to the door. I opened it and was greeted by Alissa, and the sisters, Amber and Sarah.

Alissa was wearing the same white t-shirt and shorts she had on earlier, while Amber had on a blue top that showed off her stomach, and jean shorts. Sarah was wearing a red top and a red skirt.

“Come on in girls,” I told the trio as the three stared down at my naked lower half.

They did eventually walk into my home, and Sarah commented, “oh, this is going to be so fun! The most I’ve had are threesomes.”

Her eight-year-old sister giggled and said, “you, me, and Alissa too.” This cause Alissa to blush in embarrassment.

Sandy got up off the couch, came over to the group, and gave Alissa a kiss before telling her, “I’m glad you came.”

“Umm… no problem,” Alissa replied, still sounding unsure about the situation.

Sandy, being the little nymph that she is, continued to smile at her new ‘friend’ and them lifted up her shirt, where she proceeded to suck the ten-year-old mixed-race girl’s tits.

Alissa didn’t try to stop Sandy from doing this. Infact she held the older girl’s head to her chest to encourage her to suck, while at the same time she moaned in pleasure. Meanwhile Amber and Sarah took off their tops, and I went over to the girls and gave them both a kiss, followed by giving both their tits a good suck and telling Amber while pointing towards my bedroom, “Yasmin is in there.”

Amber got a big smile on her face and skipped into the bedroom. A few seconds later I heard Amber say, “hi, Yasmin!” Followed by Yasmin replying, “hi, Amber! Wanna eat my pussy?” Amber then told the nine-year-old blonde girl, “sure!”

Both myself and Amber giggled at the two younger girls antics, and I would have loved to ‘play’ some more, especially with Sarah, but I told the ten-year-old, “I’ve got to go get the others.”

Sarah smiled and said, “be back quick!”

I smiled, gave her a kiss, and gave her tits a good little suck. I then went over to Sandy, had her stop sucking Alissa’s tits, and gave her tits a good little suck before giving Alissa’s tits a good little suck. I then got dressed as Sandy was sitting Alissa down in the love seat, and began licking the girl’s pussy. Sarah got into the love seat beside Alissa, and started to suck her friend’s tits.

I smiled at the site, as well as the moans of pleasure coming from Yasmin. I then went up to my garage, got into my SUV, and headed to the park to pick up my other guests.

If anyone would like to send a personal comment to me about this or any of my other stories, please email me at

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