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Create a good workplace people to say no to 10 things

To have a good relationship with people in the office, it is not enough to rely on your excellent work ability. Sometimes, some small unintentional actions determine the attitude of your boss or colleagues. The 10 most overlooked things in the office that you should not do.

1.1.Peeking at other people’s computer screens


You’re writing your New Year’s resolution on your computer and you turn around to meet your colleague’s gaze, who is probably just staring at your computer screen. That must be a bad feeling, right? What you don’t want, don’t do to others. Although the work is not confidential for colleagues working side by side, but being watched secretly from behind, will always make people feel like a man in the back. If you’re talking to a colleague and his phone rings, whether it’s on the phone or Facebook, taking your eyes slightly off the direction of the phone screen will make the other person feel more respected.

2. Only give advice, not suggestions

< strong>Blackout Index: ★★★★

Every time we meet to discuss a proposal, someone is always active and the first to speak, only it’s never just an opinion, either that there’s no new idea or that the budget is too high, and that he wants to shoot the proposal dead in one sentence. The program, but ask him what better ideas he has, he said he had not thought of. The purpose of the discussion is not to criticize, but to find a feasible solution, full of negative energy does not help us solve the problem. If you don’t have a better idea yet, you can at least turn a negative into a question and point out a direction worth continuing to explore.

3. Always forget to return something to its original place after borrowing it


I just walked into the next department to discuss my work, only to find that I forgot to staple my documents, borrowed a stapler from a colleague, and ended up leaving it in the common area after I finished using it. Although office supplies are originally the company’s property, but this is really a great waste of resources, not only to cause others to find something very unpleasant, but also to often repeatedly receive stationery. The company’s environmental protection is a matter of the office.

4.Be careful, perfume is “poisonous”

Blackout Index: ★★★★★

Perfume can help you enhance the aura, but in the closed office, once the perfume smell is too strong, it will always invade the colleagues The space. If there is a mother-to-be nearby, you should be more careful. It is important to know that the human olfactory membrane is much smaller than other mammals, and it is easily fatigued. If you use the same perfume often, it is likely that you will no longer be sensitive to its smell and will not even notice if you spray too much. The easiest way to check if your perfume is too strong is to notice the expressions of others as you walk into the elevator. If someone is unconsciously frowning or backing away, it could be that you are “scented”.

5. You’re everywhere at work and at work

< strong>Blackout Index: ★★★★★

In the age of phone calls and text messages, you had a simple relationship with your coworkers; everyone just met at the office and at the time, and after work, each went home. As social media becomes more pervasive, co-workers are getting closer, sometimes a little too close. In the past, you might have felt that it was somewhat rude to call after work to ask about work, but now you don’t care to use Facebook to shout. If you want to add a colleague or client as a facebook friend, don’t forget to ask if they mind first – after all, not everyone wants to extend their work relationship into their lives.

6. Be an office noise maker

< strong>Blackout index: ★★★★

When everyone is buried in work, the quiet office, the sound of the keyboard seems to constitute a rousing march, making people full of fighting spirit, just at this time, there are always some discordant notes emerge You can observe yourself to see if you notice these details. There is also a very important workplace etiquette to change the phone ringing to vibrate when you enter the office.

7. Talk quietly about gossip between pantries

Private gangs and cliques in the office are the most likely to trigger antagonism from people outside the circle. You should not be more in the circle, outside the circle to spread gossip, acting as a well-informed people, so you will never get the sincere treatment of others, will only be afraid of you to avoid. If a colleague gives you a little gossip, you may not be able to talk to him for a variety of factors, but it’s good to just listen and let the message stop with you.

8. Always complaining

The blackout index: ★★★★

You should maintain a high emotional state at work, even if you are frustrated, aggravated, or not trusted by the leadership, don’t complain and gripe. The result will only be counterproductive. Often habitually complain about work, complain about the weather today, complain that your computer often crashes …… the final end either to attract suspicion, or be despised. Instead of having time to complain, you should spend that time improving your work.

9. Overly aggressive in front of the BOSS

< strong>Blackout Index: ★★★★★

Being a person should be open, honest and decent, don’t have two faces in front of and behind people. The leadership in front of the full performance of their own, active and active, and extremely slip shoot kung fu; colleagues or subordinates in front of, pushing three, ignoring, a face to give people favors. In the long run, it can only be said that the situation is not good, and finally there is a conceivable ending, you are rejected by everyone around you. Why not by the promotion of superiors? Do you think promotions don’t have to be evaluated by your colleagues?

10. Always wear strange clothes

Don’t give the impression of “sub-human” in the office style=”text-indent: 2em;”>This is a formal setting, after all. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers. Also, you will be identified as someone who has no practical ability to work and is a hangdog and behaves strangely.

In addition to being aware of the above scruples, we can certainly make some positive changes to promote our relationship with our colleagues.

1. Arrive at work a little earlier than the scheduled start time

While it’s really painful to open your eyes 10 minutes early in the morning, it’s important to know that it’s really not a good habit to step on the clock to get to the office. Usually when we arrive at the office, we don’t get into work right away. Turning on the computer, having breakfast, going to the bathroom, chatting for a few minutes, all of these can take up to ten minutes of your time. Therefore, if you arrive at the company earlier than the specified time, and finish the things that are not related to work earlier, then you can start working earlier. I’m sure no colleague or supervisor would dislike such an employee.

2. Make sure you dress in line with the company atmosphere

If Your workplace requires formal attire, then never wear jeans and t-shirts to work, because the office is not the right place to show off your maverick ways. Wearing clothes that match the company’s culture will allow you to fit in faster and enhance your sense of belonging. Of course, if your work environment is more casual and everyone dresses in a relaxed and casual manner, you don’t have to make yourself look like you’re about to walk into a negotiation meeting at any time.

3. Keep your office area neat and organized at all times

Keeping A neat and organized desk surface not only helps you be more productive, it also makes everyone feel like you’re a good partner they can trust. Imagine if your desktop is always messy, find a file have to go through half a day, which colleagues are willing to work with you to waste time? Not to mention the boss looking at you!

4. Respect other colleagues’ personal space

If you If you need to use something from another colleague’s desk, such as a stapler, tape, sticky notes, etc., don’t just go up and take the item and leave, but always ask beforehand and seek permission from others to do so. Although these supplies are common, but the desk is the private domain of each person in the office, if suddenly violated, is very uncomfortable. So, many times the other person may be more willing to send you what you need rather than have you go over and pick it up.

5. Lend a hand when your colleagues need it

Suppose you finish your assignment early today, but find that there are colleagues still battling it out. It would be nice to lend a helping hand at this point

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