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Cherish the people around you and stop being obsessed with your soul mate

When you see the phrase soulmate, isn’t it a heart-stopping feeling? The taste of soulmates is so wonderful that in some cases we ignore the pillow-top we already have at the moment and pursue it avidly. Being overly obsessed with soul mates is not the right approach; cherishing the present is what matters.

Romeo and Juliet by the English playwright Shakespeare, Jack and Rose in the movie “Titanic”, Celine and Jesse in “Love at Dawn”, those romantic acquaintances, heartfelt conversations, and profound eye contact, all touch the hearts of movie fans.

What is a soul mate

Everyone is waiting for someone, we all long to meet our soul mate in life, we may have believed that there is another in this world We may have believed that there is another person in this world who will exist for us. The discussion of soul mates has never been interrupted since the beginning of time, and philosophy has explained that people seek as well as desire in this way not because of the civilizational disease of loneliness, but because of a longing that has existed since the beginning of time.

Plato mentions in the Book of Discourses that formerly, man had four legs, four hands, four arms, and a head with two faces, and was cut in half as a punishment for blasphemy. Since then, people have exhausted their lives to find their other half and bring themselves to completion.

Wisdom, on the other hand, says that every human being created by God has both a male and female soul. It explains that man is divided into two sexes because of the punishment people receive for leaving God to wander the earth. So we are always on the hunt for our destined soul mates, and the search is so difficult because we have to pay off all our karmic debts before the two halves of the person can be reunited and reach the end.

Both statements show that we have such a deep longing, both in the past and in modern times, for someone who was born because of us.

Do soul mates really exist?

We spend our lives searching for the other half of ourselves, spending most of our lives expecting someone who was born to understand us, but according to a recent U.S. social psychology survey, “more people believe that they and their partner are growing together and problem solving, people who think they and the other person are perfectly matched soul mates usually have worse relationships between couples.

The myth of “soul mates” tends to lead to greater dissatisfaction and disappointment in love, and most good relationships that go the distance actually have to be built through the two of us growing together. The most important thing to do is not to look for or expect the so-called soul mate to appear, but to cherish the Mr. and Mr. RightNow around us and let Mr. and Mr. RightNow be the one who is willing to progress together and walk together for the rest of their lives.

Why are we confused by soul mates

Maybe It’s because the depiction of soul mates in related books, movies and imaginations is so beautiful that the feeling of being able to communicate through eyes and being able to support and love each other forever can’t help but be mesmerizing. But in reality, can we tell what kind of feeling and what kind of person is our soulmate?

No. Some people may think that a racing heart, love at first sight, and the appearance of a spark mean a soul mate, but modern research on emotions has proven that these do not determine what kind of feelings will develop between one person and another. All feelings represent only a moment and possibly a period of time afterwards, and no one can tell what kind of person is our soul mate.

If one is too superstitious in pursuing a soul mate, one can end up losing oneself. Take for example those who cheat on their marriage claiming to have found true love. Some of them do find the perfect person by doing so, and this harrowing experience makes all three parties suffer. Many more, what they end up getting is confused and lost.

Valuing the moment is real

Perhaps what you need right now The first thing you need to do is not to find your destined Mr. Right, but Mr. RightNow, who is not necessarily the one who is flawless, who may occasionally be addicted to video games, who sometimes does not understand the small emotions of your friends, who often does not see that you are wearing new earrings; but these are all okay, love is not only one hundred percent romantic, but also depends on the mutual communication, tolerance and understanding of the two people, in order to be able to support each other in the many tests. The two of you will be able to support each other and stay together for a long time.

So, how do you find him?

1. Before you find him, find yourself!

If there is no soul where is the soulmate?

Get to know yourself first and listen carefully to what you want. We don’t have to cater to the love that everyone aspires to, our love doesn’t have to be a flowery feast, but we can have our own definition of happiness. Try asking yourself, “What kind of relationship do I want? You’ll find that the lists you think about and write down are actually your own expectations, so you’re better able to see yourself as you are now, and paint a picture of your future.

2. See the present traits of future men

The future is The present is raised little by little. You must have an imaginary man you like, then go ahead and observe if he has such traits that can lead him to that future in the present. If you want a wealthy significant other, no problem, but now shouldn’t be the time to go straight to the wealthy gentry, but to find someone with ambition and intention, because those traits will lead him in that direction, and with the present as a benchmark, it will be more down-to-earth and allow for more growth.

3. See his heart on the inside and fall in love with him

Not just just his appearance, but love because you see his good qualities and because he is him. If you find that your dating profile is mostly limited by your appearance, then you may also find a man who also judges you by your height, fatness, and thinness, so that love always fades too quickly after the years are gone.

4. Develop the courage to keep on loving after being hurt

Keep even wounded continue to search for true love, cultivate more interests and hobbies, connect with more diverse people, and follow your heart without fear or courage.

5. Don’t overthink it! Be brave and trust your sixth sense

Let the romance run its course! Enjoy every moment with him, don’t keep worrying about whether he meets each of the requirements of a good man, and don’t deliberately worry about planning for the future. The first thing you need to do is to trust your instincts. A woman’s sixth sense may be more useful than she knows.

The more perfect you want a relationship, the more trials and tribulations there will be, and that person is not a potent drug to make life a hundred percent, he is a mirror for you to bare yourself and show yourself, so fall in love with yourself first, then adjust yourself, and these The more challenges he will face with you, experience with you, and dig with you, the better person you make each other and the more possibilities there are for “soul mates” and “true love” to exist.

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