Night Stories,Give you the most beautiful experience of the night

Change the perspective of a “single” relationship

Why are we talking specifically about being comfortable in a relationship? Because most people, when they fall in love, want the other person to be like you at first sight, preferably doing things and saying things that fit each other. What about the reality? Couples all need to rub together to get along better. Encounter conflicts and stress? The first thing you need to do is to try to have a “single” relationship with him.

“Relationships” can be stressful because one, or simply both, parties give too much meaning to a relationship. I always thought that “not single” meant “having a regular relationship”, but then I realized that there seemed to be more to “not single” than that. It means that you have to call and report, or even get permission; that you have to be together for many recreational activities and interests, or that you have to give priority to each other; that you decide to go on a trip alone, and the other person feels abandoned or depressed or angry; that you can never miss a phone call or other communication software, because it might be the same as doing something unspeakable… …

1. Share yourself instead of reporting and tracking

We already share our time and schedule with our families, but as we get older, we tend to say less and less, or we only let our families know specifically about long term or remote trips, and the rest of the time, we just call and talk whenever we can. The same thing can be said about the other half of the family, but why does the standard become completely different when it comes to the other half?

Knowing that the other person is not calling you to report, but to share, with this mindset and awareness, you will naturally respond with a “feedback” tone and attitude. This is more helpful in understanding and getting deeper into each other’s lives.

2. In a hurry to get to know each other?

Maybe it’s because you want to get to know each other as soon as possible, or maybe it’s just your inexplicable possessiveness that makes you want to get to know everyone around you, so you add all of their friends on Facebook. The first thing you want to do is to get to know everyone around you. The first thing you need to do is to get to know each other as soon as you can, and you can even ask each other to delete and block the friends you don’t like ……

In fact, this is a very irrational approach. This is a very irrational approach. It’s always too eager to expand the overlap between their social circles, which is stressful and inappropriate, and can lead to “What do you want?” The best way is to lead him to make the relationship personal. The best way is to lead him to introduce you to his friends in person.

3. Is he the one you’re looking for? Take it easy for a while

When two people are together, they must both hope for a pretty successful future, and some couples even mention things like marriage and having children, which is perfectly normal! But if the progress of their love is not that deep, too early to determine that TA is the real deal, I’m afraid it will make each other ready to feel pressure.

Even if you both decide that you’re the one you’ve been waiting for, when you get back to reality, you have to think about the fact that spending your life with each other is not a game, and without careful thought and planning, you could be planting an unexploded bomb in the future that neither you nor I could have anticipated. If it is true love, when we get to know each other, work and financial ability to meet expectations, then it is not too late to plan the future.

4. Don’t be too anxious about the past, whether it’s you or him

4. align:left;”>We are all mature individuals, who do not have a secret in their hearts? The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you’re doing.

The only thing you can do is wait and wait for the other person to tell you. When the time comes, maybe the other person will also open up to you completely and tell you the secrets of their heart.

5. Ask him if he wants it before you love him

We always We like to love each other in what we think is the best way, thinking that this is love, but forgetting whether this is what the other person needs and wants; forgetting whether this kind of love will cause pressure on the other person, and we pour our “best love” on each other, forgetting to put ourselves in the other person’s shoes, and even thinking that the other person should be accommodating. The other person should be accommodating and cooperate with you. This is a kind of selfishness.

There’s nothing wrong with wanting to give the “best love” you can, but you have to learn to listen to the other person and see what they really need.

6. He doesn’t have you first in mind? That’s for sure

I’m not familiar with models, so of course I want him to attend the afternoon with friends who also love them; even though I also want to watch the latest episode of Mission Impossible, my other half is looking for the bros first, so why don’t I just think of this as a great opportunity to get together with my girlfriends?

In fact, when two people are together, they don’t always have to put each other first, of course they have to respect each other, but they don’t want to expand the scope of the word “respect.

7. Sometimes we need to be alone

Everyone Don’t think of it as too complicated. He may want to spend more time with his friends, more time with his family, or more time with himself because his job is not going as well as it should, that’s all.

And people who are aware of their state are often mature people, so assuming the other person has clearly let you know their state, why not be generous with your understanding? Assuming the other person is distracted and annoyed but can’t say what he or she is thinking, even we can guide the other person to be alone for a bit.

8. Living together? Consider carefully

Cohabitation can be a mutual decision and how long does a relationship have to be before you can cohabitate? The answer is not necessarily the same for everyone, but cohabitation is actually not recommended during the hot period.

If you think about it, it’s easy to expose your whole self to the other person at once, but there’s less mystery. Everyone has more or less bad habits, and it’s really not a good idea to show an imperfect version of yourself to the other person too early. There are many people who have shortened the length of their passionate relationship because of such problems. Also, there are many things to take into account when living together.

9. Meet your parents?

Don’t take the initiative to meet each other’s parents when the relationship is still unstable, or even start talking about getting married when you’re in the heat of the moment. It is better to wait until the relationship enters a stable phase and let the other person introduce you to his parents properly and actively.

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