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Be the first few girlfriends of men the happiest?

The requirements for women are different at different stages of each man’s life. For example, when you are young, you are looking for beauty, when you are young, you require a face, and when you are mature, you are looking for comfort. At which stage would you like to meet him?

A male’s journey from boy to man is a long one. The perception of people and the way they treat their feelings, in addition to their family background and upbringing, are influenced by their relationship experiences. If you truly love, a relationship leaves you with a mark that is mostly engraved in your heart. After separating from a woman, the body is bound to leave behind the impact of this woman on him. The impact of a few relationships slowly changes the way he approaches relationships and what he wants from them, and as he gets older, he may end up in a marriage that is very different from the one he started with.

Most gentle, considerate and good men are tuned out by women. When first love, each other often do not know how to cherish; experience some emotions, the man will be more cherished around you, because his ex-girlfriend has taught him a lot. So, when we have a good man, we should know that what we enjoy, is the fruit of the previous girl. So, how many of a man’s first girlfriends are the happiest?

First love: the green apple of youth

First love is beautiful and pure The first love is beautiful and pure, however, not pure love means everything. He does not know anything, when pursuing you wrote a few love letters, called you in your dormitory building; the first time to hold your hand when considering two days; the first time to say that love you when the face is red; the first time to kiss you, afraid to bump you, first ask you agree or disagree. This is the first love, he is not in the feelings, more do not understand women, do not know what you want. You asked him who his favorite person was, and he wouldn’t lie, saying it was his mother. You asked him if he would marry you in the future, and he froze for a moment and said he hadn’t thought about it.

The first relationship was undoubtedly youthful. This is the first time he did not have too many ideas about the relationship, nor too many requirements, basically, whatever you are, he can accept and is willing to spoil you, coax you and love you unconditionally. But most first loves also end without a hitch because the realities of the situation are not taken into account as feasible.

If you look at the depth of the imprint, the first relationship left the deepest imprint on him and had the greatest impact. Years later, he has children and can still recall sunny afternoons spent with you playing carefree under the big tree.

Teens: Passionate

He sends you flowers and invites your friends He says “I love you”. He says “I love you” and picks you up and spins you around. The moment you say yes to him, he kisses you. This is how men behave when they are in a second relationship. He said that his girlfriend should do his boyfriend’s laundry and bring him water to wipe his sweat when he plays ball. You ask him who his favorite person is, and he thinks about it for a moment and says, it’s you. You ask, will we have a future? He said, would you like to go to my hometown? Occasionally, he thinks of his first love, and he says, I was too young to understand anything at that time.

A man who has experienced a relationship already has his own understanding of women’s preferences and so on. For feelings, for women, for marriage, he already has a vague concept, consciously or unconsciously, he is pursuing and debugging his own view of feelings. But the man in his second relationship, although he knows what he wants, he doesn’t want to tie himself down so quickly yet.

Youth: planning to start a family

He says that although I have nothing have nothing, but a heart that loves you. Believe me, we will be very happy. So you rented a room in a strange city and shared a small room with a simple bathroom and kitchen. Every morning you get up earlier than him and occasionally make him breakfast, taking separate cars to work. In the evening, you buy good food on the way back, back to do to him to eat, he occasionally wash the dishes, wipe the floor. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers. The first thing you can do is to go back home with him, and he says Dad thinks you’re a good girl.

At this stage, the man has shed his youthfulness and moved from boy to man. For women, in addition to his concern for appearance and body, he will pay attention to whether you can cook? Can you take care of yourself? Will you be a good mother? The first thing you need to do is to think about the feasibility of marrying you, and whether the two of you are suitable for living together or not.

After two relationships, a man has plans to start a family, and he will take the initiative to bring you home to meet his parents. Will save money for you, he promised to give you happiness. It may be in the third relationship of the man’s economy is not very good, but he will work hard for your small home. So a man who has been in two relationships is basically considered a good candidate for marriage.

Mature: compromise for the sake of many

He said, “I think we would talk. He stayed overnight that night when he dropped you off. He is very caring and always knows what a woman needs. He surprised you before you even asked for it. He bought the house and put your name on it. When his mother saw you, she said, “Daughter, you’re not too young, get married! You felt so happy and accepted his diamond ring. One day, you went through his computer and saw a letter he wrote to his ex-girlfriend about your story, and then said: These are the things I want to do for you the most, but I didn’t understand or have the conditions before.

After three relationships, a man already has some financial means, and he can give you what you need to live. But men at this stage may have stopped focusing on feelings after a few relationships and just choose a marriage partner, so be wary of whether men are getting married for the sake of getting married.

If you can meet this man at this stage, then no doubt you are lucky. He is a mature man, both financially and psychologically, and you can enjoy the precipitation of all the trials and tribulations he has gone through before. Those precipitations have brewed into a mellow wine, and all you have to do is savor it slowly and drink the wine.

If you can meet this man at this stage, it will undoubtedly be a great challenge for yourself as well. It is because he is not lacking in anything, it is because he has a clear plan for women, for marriage, for the future, as long as you show a little bit of unsuitability, he will deduct a point from you, another point, sixty points or less, it will be out. You have to be friends with him and be able to share everything with an open heart; also if you are a subordinate, admire and respect him; also if you are a lover, with charming qualities in you that he can’t walk away from.

Each stage of a man’s life has its own unique flavor, just like different vintages of wine. Which vintage do you like? And can drink

No matter which stage of man you meet, it is necessary for women to tune in and cultivate. A good man must have the shadow of the woman behind him, so rather than wait around to meet a good man for a slim chance, start tuning your him.

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