Night Stories,Give you the most beautiful experience of the night

Be alert! Eight kinds of psychological steal good mood

All problems boil down to yourself! No matter what you are unhappy about, the root cause of your unhappiness is actually in yourself as well. If you don’t manage to eradicate these root causes of your unhappiness, you will never be truly happy, even if you have everything you want.

No matter what you’re after, ultimately all you want to pursue is happiness! But what ultimately determines whether you get happy or not is not whether you get what you want, but whether you understand the root causes of your unhappiness and go about eradicating those causes of your unhappiness!

Did you find the root causes of your unhappiness?

1. Inability to accept yourself – thinking you’re not good enough

Everyone suffers from varying degrees of the notion that I am not good enough. No matter how rich, successful and brilliant that person is!

Your level of self-acceptance is really the deciding factor in whether you are happy, fortunate, or successful in life! Thinking you’re not good enough is just an illusion, because you were created by God in His own image and you were born perfect!

Action plan: look in the mirror every morning and tell yourself: I like myself because I was created by God in my own image and I was born perfect!

2. Can’t forgive the past – think of yourself as a victim

There are only two versions of the world’s story: one I was a victim; two I was the lucky one.

If you label yourself a victim, you’re attracting all the bad luck and pain for yourself and creating a life of misery and failure for yourself! If you label yourself a lucky person, you attract all the good luck and joy into your life and create a life of success and happiness for yourself!

Action plan: Show gratitude, praise and blessings for everything that has happened in the past.

Continue to tell yourself: the present is the best arrangement, and everything that happens is for the best!

3. Not being able to show gratitude for what you have – always thinking about what you lack

Happiness isn’t about who you are and what you have, it’s about how you see what you have and what you’re missing!

The average person is unhappy because they are blind to what they have and sorrowful for what they have lost! And the truly happy and wise are grateful for what they have and most sincerely blessed by what they have lost!

Action plan: make a gratitude list to experience how lucky you are and express gratitude and blessings for what you’re missing!

Continue to tell yourself: I am the darling of fate, I am so blessed beyond words.

4. Not getting enough love – not willing to give of your own accord and afraid of losing out

The reason people are unhappy and empty is because they don’t get enough love.

The reason they don’t get enough love is because they don’t know that the only way to get love is to actively give it! The truth is that we get as much love as we can give, no more, no less!

Action plan: do one good deed a day and put a smile on at least one person’s lips every day!

Continuously tell yourself: I love helping others because helping others is like helping yourself 10 times over.

5. Not wanting to take responsibility for your own happiness – pinning your happiness on the outside world

Happiness isn’t about who you are and what you have, it’s about whether you’re willing to take 100% responsibility for your own happiness!

Many people think they are unhappy because their kids don’t listen, their husband isn’t good enough for them, their coworkers are too cold, their boss is too hard on them, etc. In fact, they do not understand that the only reason they are unhappy is that they have surrendered their right to be happy to others! Whoever relies on the outside world is a slave to it!

Action plan: Make a list of all the people, things, and events that make you feel bad and give them your sincerest praise, gratitude, and blessings!

When we can’t change things to change our mood, we can change things by changing our mood. And the fastest and most effective way to change your mood is to express your most sincere praise, gratitude, and blessings for the things that affect your mood!

Continuously tell yourself: I am the master of my mood, I am 100% responsible for my happiness, and nothing can steal it from me without my consent!

6. Don’t like your job – can’t enjoy it

Krishnamurti said that real life is doing what you love wholeheartedly.

If you make work a pleasure, life is heaven; if you make it a duty or a chore, life is hell.

Action plan: do what you love, love what you do!

Continue to tell yourself: I love what I do, and what I do is so important and fascinating to me!

7. Living without hope – not being able to completely convince myself that I can achieve a dream!

The root of all human unhappiness comes from two things: not knowing what you want, and not believing you can get it!

The true meaning of happiness is to always live according to your heart’s desires, and the true meaning of always living according to your heart’s desires is to maintain absolute faith in your heart’s desires and abilities! Grab your dream and then believe in it. Everyone can create the miracle of their own life!

Action plan: Once you have set your goals, do everything possible to try to develop the full confidence to reach them.

Continue to tell yourself: I am the creator of the universe, I can be anyone, go do anything, have anything!

8. Not knowing the meaning and value of your existence – no sense of purpose

You were born to do something for the world that no one else can do but you!

You’re not really alive when you don’t know why you’re living, that is, when you haven’t found a mission that you’re willing to dedicate your life to!

Action plan: take your genius to the extreme and then aim for the greatest good for the greatest number of people in your field of genius!

Continue to tell yourself: my life is so meaningful and valuable because they need me so much and can’t live without me! (List the people who need you)

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