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Anxiety how to do 7 magic tricks to drive away anxiety

Women in the workplace are prone to anxiety because not only do they have to deal with the pressures of family but also the pressures of work, which can be very detrimental to their health if not handled properly. Here are 7 tips for women to chase away anxiety.

What is anxiety? According to Taylor, MD, “Anxiety causes people to look inside to the outside world for danger, and it causes you to interpret things as very dangerous. You have to overcome this mentality.” Generally speaking, when your anxiety affects your daily life and work, you have to be alert. Those who want to assert their manhood and go through everything in silence will find themselves becoming increasingly anxious and restless.

Icarlo Kavach, MD, PhD, is an associate professor in the Department of Health and Social Behavior at the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston. He was responsible for conducting a study to demonstrate the relationship between fear-based anxiety and heart disease. About 34,000 people filled out an answer sheet that tested their anxiety levels. Over the course of the two-year survey, researchers found that highly anxious middle-aged people were 2.5 times more likely to die of heart disease than low-anxiety middle-aged people. More alarmingly, highly anxious middle-aged people were six times more likely to die of a sudden heart attack than those with low anxiety.

Here are a few simple tricks to help you deal with anxiety effectively:

1. Breathe correctly


Anxiety often leads to hypo- or over-breathing. When you feel anxious, you can consciously breathe slowly and deeply. To practice, lightly press your chest with one hand and place one hand on your abdomen. Exhale and inhale in tandem with the rise and fall of both hands ……

2. Relax your muscles

Many people think that relaxation is easy, that lying in bed and sitting still is relaxation. But Dr. Levine says, “Relaxation is not something you can do if you want to; you need practice to master the skill effectively. Here’s the recommended progressive muscle relaxation method, which means you can listen to soothing music or “Huang Ting Meditation”, imagine your whole body is light, and then take turns relaxing every muscle in your body from head to toe.

3. Don’t drink your way out of anxiety

Many men like to drink alcohol to The study proves that drinking alcohol is the best way to get rid of anxiety. And research proves that drinking for the sake of sorrow can lead to a devastating end. The Anxiety Disorders Association of America in Rockwell, Maryland, estimates that 1/3 of Americans with anxiety disorders binge drink to relieve themselves. Once the narcotic effects of alcohol wear off, the anxiety is not relieved and the body is more exhausted.

4. Go to bed on time

Long sleepless nights or chronic sleep deprivation will only make you more anxious. You should make it a habit to stay away from coffee and tea pots at night because substances like caffeine can stimulate your nerves and only make you more nervous.

5. Get physical activity

Research shows that physical activity can greatly reduce anxiety levels. Dr. Levine says, “Regular exercise is an important means of eliminating anxiety.” It allows you to release the stress in your body. If you are in a chronic anxiety situation without physical activity to properly vent, it will only slowly worsen your anxiety.

6. Face your fears and anxiety

Some people face fear and anxiety, the choice is to avoid them. According to Stress Mountain Bistlicki, MD, head of the Anxiety Imbalance Program at the University of California, “Every time you avoid a situation that scares you, you’ll face greater fear and anxiety the next time.” The only way to overcome anxiety is to be strong when you are in it and face it and overcome it.

7. Share appropriately

If you’ve been feeling anxious and irritable lately You can find time to ask a friend to come out for a meal or a chat, or tell your family. If you have tried all of the above and feel that you can’t get rid of your anxiety, it’s time to seek medical help. Please be confident that any level of anxiety can be relieved through treatment. Anxiety is not scary, it’s how you choose to view and cope with it.

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