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Ambiguous men can not escape the five temptations

When you learn that Britain’s Prince Charles gave up Princess Diana in favor of Camilla, I’m sure all women, not just you, will be baffled. You may ask, “Is this true? What does Diana have that is not as good as Camilla? What exactly was Charles tempted by her?

In fact, Charles is not the only one who has had second thoughts. You may wonder why a man who is in a stable and happy relationship can’t resist the temptation of other women; and what these temptations are. Each person also has a different story. However, among them, there will be some of the more frequent episodes. Here are five of the most tempting scenarios for men:

1; text-align:left;”>Most women assume that the seduction men encounter comes from women who are attractive, even perfect. But, surprisingly, many men are tempted by women who are less attractive than their girlfriends or wives in terms of charm and appeal. In fact, these women are not necessarily beautiful; but are easy to approach and get. Will you worship your partner as an idol? These women will …… That’s what makes men irresistible.

2. She needs assistance and comfort

Classic scene: a married man seduces a single woman by saying, “My wife doesn’t know me.” It turns out that men suffer from this too. Faced with a woman crying for sympathy and understanding, the man’s heart will be soft —- some more itchy. Another similar situation is that women seek spiritual solace from men, such as lost love; family, financial problems, etc. As a result, it is because of the feeling of helplessness of women, surprisingly, men want to get into the wrong ……

3. She’s his old girlfriend

Old girlfriends are an unspeakable temptation for many men. Surprisingly, men want to rekindle their love with old girlfriends, often just as they are about to enter another phase with their current girlfriend. For this phenomenon, psychologists explain that it is not unrelated to men’s fear of commitment. On the other hand, old girlfriends (especially first lovers), always bring men a special feeling. So if they are slightly more intimate, the temptation is more likely to unfold.

4. She’s his colleague

There’s no denying that men and women work together. There’s no denying that men and women working together can have sparks because they have different perspectives. But that professional spark can easily turn into an emotional one!

The truth is that getting along with a female colleague is never quite like a normal, uneventful family life. In other words, a relationship that doesn’t involve credit card bills and household chores is naturally more relaxed and enjoyable, especially when it brings freshness to regular life. It’s easy to explain why men have ripples with summer trainees and female colleagues who are transferred from branch offices to look at business.

5. She’s his girlfriend’s roommate

When he came to his girlfriend’s house, his girlfriend’s roommate was often there. As the days go by, he knows her almost as well as he knows his girlfriend: what TV shows she likes to watch, what style of pajamas she likes to wear, her relationship with her boyfriend …… It’s this relationship that is both close, yet inaccessible, that makes men even more itchy, and the temptation to cross the line even stronger.

The good news: when seduction is a part of most men’s lives, they rarely evolve into an ambiguous relationship, as Charles and Camilla did. Many men have said that some fleeting temptation merely makes them feel they are still attractive. As long as they remain unshaken by temptation, their relationships with their partners are closer as a result, which can have a positive impact.

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