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Always thinking too much? Beware of becoming a love fool

It is said that people who are in love have zero or even negative IQ, even if their IQ and EQ are high and smart, why? Being in the bureau. Because they are nervous about the relationship and about the person, they tend to think too much, so they lose their usual calmness and composure and become fidgety.

Gender relationships are the most difficult relationships to solve and the ones that people are happy to discuss. Opposites attract, and we are always happy to discuss those things between men and women, calmly commenting and pointing out when we are the bystanders. What if you are the person in question? Just like that repeated a hundred and eighty times idol drama please, round and round. This is even more so because we are the party in question, because it is a very nervous about the relationship, care about this person, his every move and smile always makes you think too much, resulting in your own inability to maintain normal judgment, and become a fool in the eyes of the onlookers.

We know from our own experience that even the most intelligent and experienced people can still be overwhelmed and confused when it comes to gender issues. In the case of the eight thinking short-circuits in love, it is mentioned in the “Are You Thinking Wrong Today? eight short circuits of thinking in love, it is mentioned that many disputes are due to wrong inferences, and may even damage each other’s relationship because of these wrong views, and in the love that gives inconsistency discusses why the more you want to get the more you miss. The more we think about inconsistent love, the more annoying and frustrating it is, and why we always overthink when it comes to relationships!

A cafe is full of people sipping coffee and eating snacks. Some are chatting with friends, while others are looking at the book in hand, and someone is tapping away at a keyboard on a penlight. The jazz music floating in the air seemed to add something that would jump in the air.

A man sitting in a corner looks at B woman in the opposite corner, then says to his friend beside him: That girl is quite right ~ oh oh, she’s looking over, do you know her? Oh, look at her expression to know that must also be interested in me la, wah ha ha. The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you’re doing.

The B woman, who was glanced at and so coincidentally met the line of sight, thought to herself, “What are you looking at? You’ve never seen a beautiful woman before, have you? The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to its customers.

Seeing B’s beautiful and smiling face, man A was even more sure that B was interested in him.

In a different scenario, in the car, W Man and X Woman are a couple, and W Man has always thought that X Woman is the one he wants to marry, and is seriously thinking about how to make X Woman’s birthday next week a memorable one, but X Woman is constantly The woman has been doubting whether the man is willing to settle down sincerely and feels that this intimacy is only based on the physical. The insecure heart keeps wavering.

The moment of silence was broken when X said to W: Let’s break up.

W man was confused and thought it had come out of nowhere. Baby, what’s wrong? What’s with the mood again?

Woman X was furious, thinking about what W-Man meant by “in a mood” again, and how he resented her for being unreasonable and irrational. The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to its customers. What? If you don’t love me anymore, break up! The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you want to do.

The W man was so anxious that he didn’t know what to do, so he took the X woman into his arms, stroked her head, and silently comforted her. Don’t cry, baby. Tell me what you’re thinking, okay? I’ll listen to everything you say.

Are these scenes familiar to everyone? About every person in a relationship will encounter the same thing, and will have been one of those people in the example. Sometimes, feel very aggrieved, the other party does not understand what they are thinking at all. In fact, man A and woman X, I think you both probably think too much.

In gender relationships, misunderstanding each other’s original intentions happens all the time, and with suspicion and lack of communication, tragedies that aren’t in everyone’s expectations can easily arise. But it is often the case that the two people do not see things the same way because of their different family backgrounds, upbringing and personalities. But then again, you are very nervous about the other person’s reaction, and maybe a very casual look from the other person a very casual remark will make you think too much.

In evolutionary psychology, the ErrorManagementTheory proposes that in relationships, men are more likely to overestimate a woman’s interest in them, and women are more likely to underestimate a man’s willingness to commit to them. (Haselton, & Buss, 2000).

Boys who lose a mating opportunity and girls who lose a partner who can provide resources lose the race to pass on their genes. And so, in the course of evolution, we would rather play it safe and favor the less costly and more profitable option. So guys constantly misunderstand that girls are interested in them, and girls constantly doubt that guys are sincere about them. Even if the assessment under this tendency is wrong, the cost for guys is just a little loss of resources (money, time, energy) in the courtship process, which can be much smaller compared to the loss of an opportunity to pass on genes. For girls, the inclination to doubt the sincerity of the partner, even if the assessment is wrong, will only be replaced by a sincere willingness to pay more attention to the partner, as opposed to accidentally trusting the partner who is not willing to pay the commitment, the cost is small insignificant ah (before the development of contraceptive technology, may also be pregnant with his child, and then he patted his butt and disappeared. Now that contraceptive technology is so advanced, this can certainly be avoided).

Is everything that’s wrong still down to the uterus growing on a girl?

It has also been suggested that this fallacy of thinking is not an evolutionary one, but rather the result of other factors in society, such as genderconstruct, media, education, and so on. This Nature vs. Nurture debate is like the question of whether there was a chicken or an egg first, and the debate is endless.

While it may seem that the sexes think a little differently in terms of evolution, it should not be taken as a given. It is important to think about what the other person is really thinking when drawing conclusions.

Guys, is that girl really interested in you? Or is it just a polite smile? Nothing else?

Girls, of course, you can still be a little bit capricious, but be careful of making too much noise and your baby will be scared away by your difficult temper!

Although we always stress the importance of not overthinking in a relationship. But when one cares a lot about one thing about a person, overstimulation becomes an inevitable thing. Sometimes, in the relationship, this excessive tension can also promote the relationship between the two people it. The actual fact is that you can find a lot of people who are not only interested in the actual products and services, but also in the products and services of the company.

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