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9 small tricks to make you married charm UP!

Marriage enhances a woman’s charm, but it does not mean that a woman’s value lies in marrying someone. Women also need to self-management, such as a glass of red wine needs to be precipitated over time to have the most mellow taste. The woman continues to appreciate herself after marriage to make the man’s heart happy and her life more nourishing, a mandatory course of study worth the effort.

Many women complain about the devaluation they experience after marriage: the devaluation of their looks, the devaluation of their bodies, the shrinking of their men’s sweet talk, the challenge of love …… but if these whiny women are kept away from marriage The woman’s body is not only a good one, but also a good one, and they will definitely put up a number of reasons to justify the necessity of marriage. In fact, whether a woman is depreciated after marriage depends mainly on the woman herself, married women have a lot of happiness that single women do not experience, it should be said that the value of the body is not only not depreciated, but also appreciated than before marriage.

1, name appreciation

Before marriage, even if the lovers love each other to The two are still two relatively independent individuals. I am not your husband, you are not my wife, want to break up, break up, do not have to take any responsibility for each other. And once married, the hand more than a red book, there will be a legal protection. The woman’s marriage is the same as finding herself a landing place, a space that is truly her own personality.

You can dress up your room the way you like, live the way you like, and no longer have to worry about your parents’ faces. When you meet, some people call you sister-in-law, and others call you aunt or uncle, much better than before the marriage people call them by their first names. The name of the woman after the marriage, inadvertently upgraded.

2, feminine appreciation

After marriage, women have a husband to love. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers. If you have a child, maternal tenderness and tolerance will be naturally released, the kind of years to precipitate the style and flavor from the bones, is unmarried women can not reach. The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the market.

3, property appreciation

After marriage, property is shared between husband and wife. Even if the woman does not work and stay at home to raise children, the property accumulated by the family is half of the woman’s. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

4, authority appreciation

The more time an unmarried girl spends in her mother’s house The longer she stays in her mother’s house, the more people around her will look at her in a different light. No matter how good she is, not married always give people the feeling of pity, but also very likely to be labeled “eccentric temperament”. The married woman, as she grows older, the authority in the family will grow, the position will become more and more secure. If you have a grandmother or grandmother level, it becomes a “family treasure”, who does not respect you seven points?

So how can a woman, like a man, blossom in the charm and glamour of married family life, and still be confident and beautiful in the tedium of the kitchen.

1. strong>

Marriage and career are never in conflict, no matter how illustrious and rich your husband is, no matter how well clothed and fed your family is, no matter how much your family needs you, even if one day you are reluctantly reduced to a full-time mother, but definitely keep your career! Giving up your career means that you are out of touch with the world and can only tie your happiness to a man, losing the taste that a woman should have. Only a woman with a career can be confident enough to have her own independent thoughts and insights to talk to men on the same level.

2, have an elegant hobby

Don’t think that love of shopping is love of fashion. The two are a million miles apart; don’t think that love of listening to songs and watching movies is love of art, the two are worlds apart; women should not be trapped in their own narrow minds all day long to entertain themselves, you have at least one elegant and have some insight into the hobby, such as writing, photography, music, fashion, beauty and so on, please note that there must be some insight and understanding of it, hobbies are easy, but fully aware of your hobby is another concept. It’s easy to have a hobby, but fully knowing your hobby is a different concept.

3. The company’s main goal is to provide a better solution to the problem. The company’s main goal is to provide a better and better service to its customers.

4, have your own social circle that brings you positive energy

Women often think that investing all their time and energy in a man and a family is the greatest love of all. On the contrary, no man wants to accept a woman who has only him in her eyes, because such love not only makes a woman lose herself, but also makes a man suffocate and even want to run away.

So a woman should never be an embellishment for a man, nor should a man become your calling card and be called “this is so-and-so’s wife” everywhere you go. The only way you can build your own social circle and have a more equal life with him is to have something in common with him, to become self-respecting and self-empowered, independent and beautiful!

5. Develop the habit of reading and keep the enthusiasm of learning

The book is mankind’s best friend and the most valuable treasure chest for mankind, whatever you want to get from it, it will satisfy you, so women who love to read must be intellectual and connotative and charming. And in such a fast-paced life, if you do not read or study, you will soon be eliminated by society, drowned by the fierce competition, here not only refers to your social value, but also your family value. Whenever you believe that there is no inexhaustible supply of things in this world, including your wisdom and learning!

6. Don’t forget to be kind to others, and don’t forget to run yourself

A woman who is kind is beautiful, and you can only show where your personal values lie if you give. We first live in society as a large medium, and get the assistance of the casual acquaintance, and then only slowly narrowed to their friends loved ones family. So, giving is not only to friends and family, but also to the vast sea of people that we meet along the way.

Giving is a virtue, a happy enjoyment, not a burden. Many women see filial piety to parents and solidarity with friends as a burden of life and treat themselves meanly because of it, which seems like a kind of self-sacrifice, but is actually a kind of self-shame. The woman in the pay at the same time, do not forget to operate their own, do not have to dress brand-name, do not have to be bejeweled, but have to be generous, neat and elegant, this is the beauty of women!

7, know how to make life interesting

In view of today’s fast-paced The most important thing is that you have to be able to get a good idea of what you want to do. If a woman knows how to make life interesting, transforming her inner talent into the quality and taste of life, so that the heavy and boring life has been silently nourished, how wonderful would it be?

8. To have a heartfelt friend even one

A confidant who can change each other’s clothes to wear, who can get under the same covers and eat the same bowl of rice. You always have some negative energy that you can’t let your husband know about, you always have times when you don’t want to go home and can’t go back to your mother’s house, you always have times when no loved one can help you, and a confidant can give you more security and reduce your total dependence on your man!

9. Work on your cooking skills

Learn to cook. Even if you can only make one or two of your best dishes. The ability to cook is not to tether anyone, but in the midst of all the hustle and bustle and worry can enjoy a copy of the warmth and peace they give, so that you do not have nowhere to go when faced with stress, so that each other in the face of stress can have a return that is desired. It’s a great way for your family and friends to think of you in a more content way, so that the corners of your mouth can rise and your mood can be soothed.

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