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7 tricks to help you relieve menstrual crankiness

Many women have this trouble, the week before their period, they are inexplicably agitated, irritable, and even often feel depressed, and even their normally moist skin looks dull. When the physiological period is even worse, lower abdominal pain to even lie down to rest can not be soothed, but also accompanied by the discomfort of waist pain, leg pain, which makes the mood more irritable and depressed, and even sullen. Here are 7 tips to relieve menstrual crankiness.

1. Diet

Sugar provides the brain with the energy necessary to keep impulses under control, thus preventing us from losing our temper due to stress. Sugar can reduce people’s aggressiveness and argumentativeness. Researchers say, “For example, when you are provoked, when you may encounter a difficult boss in a work meeting, a sugar-sweetened drink in advance may effectively increase our ability to suppress impulses.” A cup of brown sugar water can be brewed to suit a grumpy temper.

2. Diversion

Diversion is the most aggressive way to handle the situation.

The most positive way to deal with the fire is to move away from the occasion that made you angry, you can choose to do something happy, or go back to sleep a big sleep, if you are angry when directly buried in a big sleep, it is not a good way to rest, but also to avoid the mouth to hurt people.

3. Imagine

When you are angry, think of something nice, think of a nice situation: think of your child, teasing him. your own child and how cute it is when you tease him, or something that makes you happy, or read some humorous jokes, you can temporarily relieve the crankiness.

4.Talk about it

When you’re having a bad day, you can find a companion to talk to about your feelings. Their good friends, you can spill your guts with each other, each other listen, and then find out their past misfortunes and you compare and encourage, so that your bad mood can also be a great relief, and then also from the experience of friends to find some valuable experience in solving. It is best to listen to music and take a walk with a friend you can talk to again.

5.Suggestion method

Self-suggestion has positive and negative suggestion. When you want to get angry, it is best to let reason take a step forward, you can self-reference, mouth silently: do not get angry! Don’t be angry! Don’t be angry! Think about what you lost after the last time you got angry, how many days you were unhappy, and it’s really nothing if you just put up with it

6. align:left;”>When you are in a bad mood, exercise is a good way to vent, temporarily put down those unpleasant things, find time to go out and exercise, after a sweat will become a lot easier. You can go out and play ball, or running, walking can also be. You can go out and play ball, or go for a run or a walk, and let the bad feelings go out with the sweat during the exercise, and relax yourself

7. When irritable and irritable mood, you can use the Q spirit victory method to relieve, tell yourself that those bad things must still have a chance, just a good solution has not yet thought, firm their confidence will certainly be able to deal with things. This will effectively regulate your bad mood and make you become patient to face things.

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