Night Stories,Give you the most beautiful experience of the night

7 strokes to make the hidden man nothing to hide

This era is too complicated for girls without much life experience to just fall in love with strange men, it’s dangerous. The reason is that there is a class of men cheap to the point that they are obviously married with a wife and children, but they are out there dabbling in flowers and pretending to be single. The following 7 details are specifically for them, there is no way to try everything, but the more the following characteristics, the more you have to keep your eyes open.


If you are with him, he often receives a reminder to return, asking if he will be home for dinner, especially when the first sentence is usually “where are you”, be careful! …… of course mom will also ask these, but girlfriend phone calls another characteristic is to ask “where to go this weekend”, you and listen carefully to how he answered.

2.tiktok/MSN/weblog space

Some mysterious messages that are inexplicable? Some mood stories have a message? Figure out if he’s elaborating on your feelings or spacing them out with someone else?

3. Body image

If a man suddenly gains weight in the short term. Either he has hyperthyroidism or he’s a groom.

4. The ring

He’ll say “I bought it myself for fun”, but if the style is simple and it’s on the right finger, you need to grow a pair.

5. Personal items

He has a comfy chair cushion? A hand-knitted scarf to wear when it gets cold? A sweet little sleeping pillow never let anyone else touch it? Watch out, watch out.


If he’s available Monday through Friday and can’t be found on Saturday, be wary of the “weekend couple.

7. himself. When he boasts of himself to the heavens, you faintly come to a sentence: “Then sister-in-law must be very happy, right?” The first reaction, single will deny, have a partner will acquiesce, if dead silent and then change the subject, then you hit the ghost.

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