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6 signs of women are more likely to divorce

The moment people feel love, they are more or less feeling an unpredictable future; when two people share each other’s unknowns, they are also sharing your common unknowns. Love is unconditional, but you have to understand that understanding each other is not to get away from each other, but to walk better and smoother on a hard and long road for two people and to walk it out peacefully! For men, some women are a source of happiness for him, while some women make him suffer; women make men suffer a lot? What kind of sign of the woman will have so much magic? The following six women may make your marriage a painful journey, and the zodiac women in the 12 signs of the zodiac hurry up and give you a reference:

1. A woman who wants to change men

She may come from a loveless family and has never been emotionally warm. As she tries a hundred times but can’t get love from her parents, she will desperately seek it in her partner. If her partner does not know how to give her the right amount of love, she will try to change the other person. She always feels that the other person is not perfect, but still “believes in the potential of the other person” and will do everything she can to make the other person into the person she needs. If you refuse to accept her “transformation”, your marriage will only end.

Watch out for: Aries, Virgo and Capricorn women. Aries women in love some strong, think they pay the most perfect side of the other side to have to sense and return, so always on their significant other’s style behavior and other control transformation. And Virgo is not only to the partner, as long as you see others not well thought out, will be nagging and dissatisfaction. Capricorn women are more principled, and if the other person has offended their principles they will want to sensitize and change the other person.

2. A woman without a self

She has probably never cared for herself properly. When a person who needs care comes along, she naturally throws her full attention on the other person and gives her best to them. She is willing to accept and bear the blame and guilt that comes with the emotional world anytime and anywhere. She doesn’t live for herself, but for others; rather than being a selfless good girl, she is a love slave who has lost herself. But marriage is an equal partnership, not a master-slave relationship. Accompanied by a woman without self, the man bears the heaviest and heaviest emotional baggage. Unless you are a cold man, can openly accept her “sacrifice”. For herself, once the man leaves her for one reason or another, she may break down because she can’t accept the reality.

Signs to watch out for: Pisces, Virgo, Libra. Pisces and Virgo are the kind of women who may usually have a lot of personality and principles, but once they meet the people they care about, Pisces will instinctively obedient, while the virgin is completely out of order, either to avoid leaving or too strong ego, everywhere want to control …… Libra women are always looking at each other’s behavior, or with other friends of their partners Do compare reference, almost forget their real thoughts. These star women will make men slowly lose their passion.

3. A woman who has no bottom line

She never feels safe and never knows what to do. She never feels safe and never knows how to do things in moderation, nor can she be content. Once she fell in love with someone, even if the other party simply will not belong to her, she will not give up, she will wait, and in the wait harder to do things that cross the bottom line. This kind of woman is more emotional, will be because of the impulse and regardless of the consequences, whether it is crazy shopping or the extreme pursuit of enjoyment. In marriage, she is more unable to face the end of abandonment, even if the love comes to an end, she will still do whatever it takes and whatever the cost to keep him.

Signs to watch out for: Aquarius, Taurus. The Aquarius is the man she thinks she should be with to take full advantage of; the Taurus woman herself will greatly consider the material conditions of the other party when choosing a spouse, and once she gets it will also stimulate her own possessiveness especially when it comes to lovers rather than husbands.

4. A woman who refuses to be real

She never has confidence, and even when happiness comes around, she doesn’t believe it’s real. She doubts everything, including love, because her psyche cannot bear the warmth of love. If you enter into a marriage with such a woman, you have to be ready to deal with her sensitivity and suspicion, and to bear all the storms of life for her. Likewise, if the emotional ups and downs, she will only let herself live in a world of fantasy, away from the real reality. Like an ostrich, she buries her head in the sand when she encounters a crisis, thinking that everything will be fine if she doesn’t face it. In reality, she just doesn’t have the courage to face reality.

Signs to watch out for: Leo, Pisces. Although the Lioness is proud, she is actually prone to be pessimistic about love. And behind the pessimism is an unrealistic desire to think that they do not get the most desired good love. So love later will not be able to believe or disappointed. Lost love can not face. This is the lioness biggest hard wound. And although the Pisces woman is also prone to not realistic enough, but she can bear and even enjoy the sadness, unlike the lion so dim. But the sympathy is that she indulges in fantasy deeper and longer than the lion and is used to ……

5, a “self-abusing “woman

who is willing to hide her own confusion and irresponsibility by being with people who are emotionally and life wise unavailable and have constant problems, finding solace in them. Perhaps because of the unnatural trials and tribulations of growing up, she doesn’t cherish the “good” people who are dedicated to her good. In her eyes, a quiet life is too dull. She is more willing to conquer the turbulent days and difficult to manage people, and take it all as a stimulus. The reason for this is that they will not be satisfied with the humdrum of life together, but they like to seek new and exciting things again and again.

Zodiac signs to watch out for: Cancer, Capricorn, Scorpio. These three signs are more deep-hearted, but also belong to the very self-aware signs. Many times self-contradictory rivalry leads to tormenting oneself to awaken the compassion of one’s partner, among other means. The Cancer is strong and too restless; the Capricorn is independent but dissatisfied with the status quo; the Scorpion is enlightened and possessive. The conflict results in either turning the tables on your partner or on yourself

6. A woman who can’t escape her parents’ shadow

Unlike the first five, she is not without care in her life, but has too much love, too much giving and sacrifice from her parents. And this love in her eyes is an endless debt, a lifetime of gratitude that can not be repaid. Such pressure makes this person never grow up, never relax to enjoy their independent family life. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

Watch out for: Taurus, Cancer, Sagittarius. Taurus women are more traditional and obedient, Cancer is more for the sake of parents, Sagittarius are generally more spoiled and pampered at home some women, inside the more rule-bound children. The three signs of the zodiac are likely to copy the marriage model of the previous generation.

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