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6 moves to let you accurately understand the mother-in-law mind

The real world is filled with all kinds of relationships to deal with, especially the mother-in-law-daughter-in-law relationship is the most difficult. Often, marriage may seem like a matter for two people, but it involves the entire social circle of the couple. When you choose a lover and plan to spend your life with him, you should understand: in a long lifetime, you will have to deal with not only him, but more than that, his family. Here are 6 tips for you to understand your mother-in-law’s mind precisely and get along well with her.

First move: value her, birthdays don’t matter, remembering them is important.

Mother-in-laws of this age have one thing in common: they are afraid to spend money on themselves. If they spend it on their children and grandchildren, she is happy and “worth it”, and if they spend it on themselves, she is distressed and “wasted”. But please always remember that this does not mean that she does not need to care. On her birthday each year, show her with a small gift to let her understand that you take her birth date to heart. A purse, a dress, a pair of leather shoes, a scarf is more to the taste. In the case of my mother-in-law, the bag I bought her six years ago has opened its mouth, and my mother-in-law still hangs it on the balcony in the sun every day.

Type 2: understand her, people are blood, we are water, don’t compare water to blood.

They say that blood is thicker than water in deep love, and yes, my mother-in-law and my husband are blood relatives, and my mother-in-law and I are in-laws, and in-laws are better than water. If I didn’t have a piece of her son, what would I have to do with her? People are blood, we are water, admit it, blood is thicker than water, mother-in-law to wash her husband’s socks, did not help you wash, nothing, we are happy to wash and brush; mother-in-law to her husband folder food, did not give you folder, nothing, we are happy to chew ah chew; mother-in-law secretly to the sister-in-law to buy clothes, hidden there, we pretend not to see; mother-in-law criticized her daughter, do not follow the blind coaxing, the real daughter how not, but also better than your half daughter; more The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the public.

The third way: praise her, the toilet is really clean today.

Giving your mother-in-law a week off is guaranteed to give you a bad time of wiping tables and mopping floors, oil and salt and vinegar, puffy hair, crying children and dogs, and sore backs. You have to reflect on the fact that cooking is so troublesome, so dusty, so badly behaved son, so long you spent dressing up. A research company in the United States found that a full-time mother does housework for an average of 92 hours a week. This data is not at all excessive when used on our full-time mothers-in-law. And, mind you, the bee-like hard work of your mother-in-law not only protects your delicate hands and takes care of your self-appreciation in the mirror, but also creates a huge economic value for you. Or that American research company statistics, each housewife needs to spend about 71 minutes a day cleaning rooms, washing clothes and cleaning toilets and bathrooms. If these tasks are completed by a cleaner, a family needs to pay about $ 13.8 per day for this. Then again, housewives spend about 63 minutes a day.

Stay in the kitchen and prepare food for your family. By comparison, a professional chef can earn about $33.50 a day for the same number of hours, and the surveyors didn’t even count the dishes after the meal. Yes, there’s more to it than that. So don’t be stingy with your sweet words and tell her the toilet is really clean.

Type 4: Whenever she says she’s not feeling well, let’s all check in at the hospital. The mother-in-law also gets tired, so treat her as if she were her own mother with love and affection.

Fifth style: If you criticize her, let his son do the job.

The sixth style: put up with her, there are no tough moves except nagging her.

Mother-in-laws all over the world are the same nagging, and when you become a mother-in-law or mother-in-law, you can’t escape this fate. The company’s main goal is to provide a better solution to the problem, and to make sure that the company is able to provide a better solution. When she is nagging, silent, act like a small family, angry daughter-in-law, and listen respectfully. The company’s main goal is to provide a better solution to the problem.

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