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5 strokes to identify the hidden traits of domestic violence men

Everyone is more or less potentially violent, maybe because of stress or maybe because they don’t control themselves very well, it’s just that not everyone shows it. Is your boyfriend or husband prone to emotional outbursts? Here are 5 tips to identify the hidden traits of domestic violence men and nip the nightmare in the bud.

Domestic violence male sign #1: Prone to emotional outbursts at home

Many People assume that men who are abusive are often prone to emotional outbursts and are impulsive personalities. But in reality, I’ve seen many men who are impulsive outside and at risk of getting into a fight at any time, come home and never touch their wives with a finger.

Some military and career-minded strong men are very domineering and emotional outside, but they just don’t touch their wives when they get home. So when you look at men, you can’t lump emotional outbursts into one type, because there is a difference between outbursts.

The most dangerous, domestic violence-prone men are the ones who are “prone to emotional outbursts at home.

You can observe that the men who suddenly jump at their wives at home, who break things at home, who take it out on their wives at every turn, basically have a tendency to domestic violence.

Why is there such a clear difference between emotional outbursts at home and emotional outbursts at home?

It’s simple because for men, there is often a position to do things, and those who are prone to emotional outbursts outside, they can tell what is the enemy of my conflict, they are impulsive outside, in order to get the benefits to the home, outside they are outsiders enemy, while inside is They are their own people.

The opposite is true for people who are emotionally out of control at home, they can no longer tell where they stand, they don’t know who their own people are, they are the most selfish, for these people, as long as they are emotionally impulsive, they dare to kill even their parents, what is a wife to you?

Sign of the Domestic Abuse Man #2: Addictive addiction to drugs, gambling, abuse, and serious alcohol

Sign of the Domestic Abuse Man #2: Addictive addiction to drugs, gambling, abuse, and serious alcohol

align:left;”>I’ve often said that men with addictive vices that include drug use, gambling, abuse, and severe alcoholism (no smoking or anything, don’t quote me on that) should not be wanted.

Why not? Because these addictive vices can cause a person to change their personality, lose control of their emotions, and distort their personality.

Some people who are all kinds of good-tempered when they first fall in love with you, but just have these vices, still can’t be wanted. Because these vices are impossible to quit, while changing a person’s character is almost a given.

There was a case where a girl married a man who liked to gamble, and at first the two lived very well, but the more the man gambled, the more he lost, and finally one time he was in a bad mood and lost control of his emotions and beat his wife at home.

Since then, domestic violence has become a habit of behavior, and this man comes home and beats his wife whenever he loses money. His wife tried unsuccessfully to get a divorce several times, was chased and stalked and beaten, and finally only managed to get temporary relief by hiding in a domestic violence shelter.

More than 25% of domestic violence comes from personality distortion, and addictive vices almost always lead to a person’s personality distortion, which makes the incidence of domestic violence alarmingly high.

If your boyfriend is addicted to gambling (vicious), does drugs, or has abusive tendencies, the likelihood of future domestic violence is very high and must be remembered to circumvent it.

Domestic Violence Male Sign #3: Moral Bottomlessness

What is moral bottomless?

Do bad people always beat their wives? Not necessarily, some people who have broken the law, even such as murderers and wounded criminals, may be very good to their families, some steal just for their families, and some break the law just for their children.

They break the law, but are not morally bottomless.

If a person doesn’t even care about his family, he would rather sacrifice them for himself, for his ego, for his own benefit. When he can go to hurt his loved ones and let them go through the pain for the sake of happiness. Then this person is morally bottomless.

Within the family, no matter who is angry, there are times when they get excited. But what do you rely on to control yourself and not get your hands dirty and hurt your family? What is the power of control? It’s the basic moral bottom line, which is a person’s basic control.

If the person doesn’t care about his family, never treats them like dirt, is completely cold-blooded and unfaithful, then when he gets excited, hurting his family becomes a common occurrence, and domestic violence is simply a tool for him to vent his emotions.

In other words, he simply does not love his family, nor his wife and children, so of course he will beat you when he gets upset.

Domestic Violence Male Sign #4: Pride over Life

There is also One type is the man who has an overwhelming sense of self-esteem that is stronger than his life and ends up practicing domestic violence to preserve his self-esteem.

I had a case where the man was a man with very high self-esteem, and he married his wife and came back and was having a good time. But then, his wife’s ex-boyfriend began to spread rumors outside and constantly slander his wife. After hearing these rumors, this man felt humiliated and felt that his self-esteem was traumatized in front of outsiders.

This man’s basic logic was, “If a woman is unfaithful, a man would rather die. (In fact, what happened to his wife was just a rumor).

With this strange logic, the man comes home and starts beating his wife, committing domestic violence constantly, with a subconscious pride that is far greater than his own life, let alone his wife’s.

So around a man like that, you never know which thing will hurt his pride and which thing will get you beaten up.

In short, when a man values his face more than his life, he must be surrounded by people who are at risk. Because it only takes a small rumor to break down this man’s defenses and make him see you as the enemy.

Domestic violence male sign #5: Distorted personality and mental illness

The last point is a medically determined point. Mania, depression, schizophrenia, menopausal psychosis, all of these can bring about the effects of domestic violence. These diseases can be medically identified and easily distinguished in ordinary life. For girls, look for a normal boyfriend, not a boyfriend with an eccentric temper. It is also effective to circumvent these problems by finding a cheerful and lively boyfriend, not a gloomy and difficult one.

It’s worth being alert to the fact that domestic violence is always gradual. At first, such people may just lose their temper at home, but slowly, they start to do it slightly, and then they start slapping, and at the end, when their emotions get out of control, they can do anything. The first thing you need to do is to get out.

I’ve recently received cases of people slapping their pregnant wives, pouring hot pot directly on their girlfriends, and choking them to death.

Once again, let me tell you, don’t condone it, break up after one offense, domestic violence is addictive, it will come back, and it will get worse one at a time.

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