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4 kinds of intuition for you to crack the ambiguous mystery

In love, there is no room for reluctance. How to decide if this person is right or not, sometimes your body intuition is already telling you, but you just tend to ignore the signals your body intuition is giving you. So, you should slow down, jump out of the fog and listen to what your intuition is saying to you. Often, intuition can reveal the truth; warn you and help you see your love in a new light.

The First Intuition: Body Language

Your body tells you a lot. Your body tells you many messages. When you’re on a date, you’ll suddenly get goose bumps, which could mean your date feels right, or you’ll get a tingle on your scalp when a pretty annoying person responds to your friend request online.

How to grasp body language in a relationship:

Your body language is the most instinctive response. It is your body’s swiftest and most immediate response to the world around you – much faster than your conscious mind. The next time you feel your body trying to tell you something, stop and examine it.

Do your shoulders suddenly get tight? Feel a knot in your stomach? Or, suddenly feel excited?

As you learn to read these body messages, you gain a new source of access to information. You may even be able to identify lovers who are unhealthy and destructive with this ability; it’s also possible that you’ll uncover a great partner, even though TA doesn’t seem to be your cup of tea at first glance.

The second intuition: a sense of déjà vu

We often have this feeling: this person in front of you has met somewhere before; this place you’ve been to before and know there’s something around the corner, even though it’s your first time here.

How to use this feeling in a relationship:

Yes, it may seem ridiculous, but don’t let it pass. it pass away. Try to talk about it with a trusted friend or write it down. Try to find out what the feeling is trying to tell you, maybe it’s trying to lead your mind somewhere.

In love, déjà vu is a reminder of what you should be doing right now; or, it wants to make you stop and think about what you shouldn’t be doing right now, instead of going headlong into something impulsive.

The third intuition: synchronicity

This is a wonderful feeling It’s like the timing is just right. For example, when you think of a song, it just happens to be playing on the radio, or you find out that the guy you’re chatting with online is the same guy you had a crush on in college.

The meaning of synchronicity in love:

Being alert and constantly discovering synchronicity. This feeling actually means: you’re just in the right place at the right time. Everything is just right. Maybe you’re just about due to bump into your old flame? And the song “Ten Years” floating around in your head at the moment means that your body is trying to tell you the emotions of the moment.

Your body, it’s an intuitive receiver. The stronger the connection you establish with your body consciousness, the more quickly you will be able to pick up messages from outside contingencies. When two people are compatible enough, this experience will become more and more frequent. For example, your brain flashes images that reveal where the two of you will be living for the next five years.

The fourth intuition: empathy

This means that you can quickly feel the other person’s emotions. You can feel the loneliness inside the TA, or the hidden hostility behind the other person’s smile.

The meaning of empathy in love:

Empathy is a precious ability, but it comes with some risks. Trying to read each other’s emotions helps your intimacy, though you don’t want to put the burden of responsibility for each other’s emotions on yourself. For example, you feel that your boyfriend is having a bad day. You can let him get his emotions out by talking and asking questions. Such empathic communication deepens the relationship between the partners.

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