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16 points to teach you to see through the heart of a man on a blind date

Nowadays, in this society, old people always arrange various kinds of dating patterns for their children for the sake of their children’s happiness. The actual fact is that there are a lot of people who are not able to get a good deal on a lot of things. In fact, couples are evolved from friends, the process has experienced countless times of dating, the face of the first date whether to feel nervous? How can you tell if the other party is interested in you or not? The company’s main goal is to provide a clear picture of the company’s business, and to make sure that the company’s business will be successful.

1. Judging from the sports he likes.

Men who like running, swimming, and other solo sports like to be independent, which means they are often alone; men who like team sports like soccer, basketball, and baseball like to compete,

whether on the sports field or in all aspects of life, like to go head-to-head with those around them at all times; as for those who don’t like sports at all, they are independent thinking and often still sensitive.

2. Judging by his friends

A man who is still dating a friend he met when he was 10 years old tends to be very loyal, which is one of his great strengths, but at the same time he may not change very easily, and you have to be patient; it takes some time to win his trust. If your date’s friends come from all over his life, gym or work or whatever, then don’t be afraid to take him to your relative’s wedding, he’ll have no problem talking to strangers at all, and he’ll adapt easily to his new environment.

3. Judging by his spending style

A man who likes to swipe his credit card is passionate about fame and status, ambitious and confident. He will work hard to achieve his goals in terms of money. A man who likes to pay in cash is confident and independent, and such a man is unlikely to be a playboy. If a man’s wallet is deflated, it means he is a man who likes to trust others and needs to be taken care of.

4. See through his bad likes

Men who love to gamble are adventurous, and taking risks makes them happy, but they always ground themselves to be overly optimistic that they won’t get addicted to gambling until they get burnt out. And smokers are more likely to be anxious, and it’s not easy for you to get him to sit down and talk to you for a while. If he likes to drink, then it may be to cover up his insecurities.

5. Read him by his preferred style of communication

If the person you’re dating likes to email you instead of calling you directly, he may be a difficult person for Brother to deal with. The reason is that writing emails may be wordy and have plenty of time to cover up your true self; but phone calls can easily reveal a true self; people who like to send instant messages want your attention all the time, always making sure you’re waiting for him again. So what about the person who likes to talk to you you on the phone, he is somewhat outdated and on schedule.

6. See through him by the kind of clothes he likes to wear

If he likes you to wear short-sleeved jeans, then he’s a down-to-earth guy who likes women who are casual and don’t splurge. The man who likes women to dress fashionably has a high social prestige. Very good at making money, money plays a very important role in his life. A man who likes to carry sexy girls around is an egomaniac, the kind of man who likes the feeling of being envied and envious.

7. See through him by his driving habits

A man who drives often overtaking or following the car in front of him loves to be impulsive, and although he is good at his job, he has a hard time handling relationships with people. If the traffic jam, he still behaves calmly, which shows that he has good self-control.

8. See through him by the dishes he orders

A person who orders home-cooked food is steady and down-to-earth, a person who doesn’t like to take risks. If he likes to order something new, then he is a straightforward person who is easily disgusted by the old.

9. See through him by his hygiene habits

A man who throws dirty socks everywhere is more scatterbrained and open. If his bathroom is very dirty drawing, he is probably just immature or very lazy. A man who puts his socks in categories is very picky.

10. See through him by his favorite TV shows

If he always likes to watch TV shows one after the other on TV money, watch out. This kind of man likes to use humor to relieve stress, which is a good thing, he will not vent the stress on you, but this kind of man the more you try to discuss some important issues with him, the more he wants to escape. People who watch legal programs are good at thinking and analyzing, and pride themselves on their problem-solving skills.

11. See through him when he’s at home

A man who is the oldest of his siblings is responsible and good at managing. If he is the youngest in the family, he is creative and rebellious. A man who is afraid to even touch your body in public is either unsure of your feelings for him or you are unsure of your feelings for him. If he is in doubt about your feelings for him, he will distance himself from you physically.

12. Look at how he treats you in public

If he is clinging to you in public at all times, he may be showing you off and implying to others that you are his, which is a sign of his insecurity.

13. See through who you let drive

Don’t like to initiate A man who drives may let you control your relationship, at least sometimes. A man who takes control of the steering wheel even in your car is actually brother control freak.

14. From whether he likes to look in the mirror

A man who looks in the mirror every time he walks past the mall is a narcissist, but it also shows that he is a man with a strong desire to succeed. A man who is understated and rarely thinks he is, may not have big ambitions.

15. See through him by the way he looks at you

A man who doesn’t make eye contact with you when talking to you is probably not a trustworthy man. If he glares at you, he may seem to want to coerce you, and if he is affectionate, it means he likes you a lot.

16. Read him by the way he talks

If he talks in blocks, it means he’s energetic and he’s a little stubborn. People who speak slowly act cautiously and think twice about life.

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