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11 signs in love he no longer loves you

Love is magic. But it’s also a fact that after the initial curiosity and enthusiasm, it slowly goes into a lull. And after that? It may be that this has been the way to see the true love in the flat together, or it may be that after the flat turned to faint and tasteless. Will he still be in love with you? If not in love anymore, will you know?

It often seems that in love, although we should follow our hearts, many of the signs we try to ignore turn out to be right, especially when you think the other person doesn’t really care that much about you, the truth is often the same, just because we are hard on ourselves. It’s only because we’re so hard on ourselves that we’re so slow to let go. We’ve chosen 11 of them to share with our readers, and while it hurts to be brave enough to admit that your significant other doesn’t love you as much, it’s the only way you’re going to meet the person who really loves you.

1. Not responding to messages in a timely manner

You’ve wondered Why is he always there only in the early morning, but disappears every time in the afternoon? Maybe you should stop and think about it. He probably already has other people and things he cares more about, and if he really likes you how come he doesn’t take advantage of the times he can talk to you?


How do you expect someone to commit to a life if they can’t even make it to a dinner date as planned?

Some signs in love have to be believed: if the person you love is the same, maybe it’s time to let go.

3. Less contact

Something as easy as passing messages. The fact that some people just can’t do it, if he doesn’t even bother to send you a “good morning” message in the morning and gives you a perfunctory “um” every time we talk, don’t expect him to tell you “I love you” sincerely, this behavior alone is enough to make people doubt his love.

4. Spending less time together

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5. Not interested in fitting into your twitter feed

How can he really want to be with you for the rest of his life if he’s not even remotely interested in meeting your friends? If he cared, he would definitely try to make a good impression in front of his friends and would prefer to fit into your circle of life.

6. Don’t care about your mood

Can’t stand the bad mood you’ll have from time to time

Someone who can’t handle the bad feelings you sometimes have will only make you feel worse, and maybe you shouldn’t stay around him anymore.

7. Don’t care about the little things in two people’s lives

We can’t expect life to be smooth. We can’t expect life to be smooth, but couples are supposed to support each other, and if he can’t even observe your emotions, how can he possibly have the means to help you get through it when there’s a really big setback.

8. Won’t want to see each other often

Think you will often want to see each other, but he never seems to say anything like that? The truth is that you are just a small part of his life, and it doesn’t affect him much without you.

9. His friends don’t know you

A person who cares about you, appreciates you

The man who likes you will want his friends to know someone as good as you, so when you find that he never meant to introduce himself to his friends, it should be clear that he has no desire to go with you for life.

10. Don’t know his past

True love shouldn’t be hidden. If he is not willing to tell you his past clearly, how can you fully trust the person in front of you?

11. There’s no real heart-to-heart

Seriously. If you think he’s not actually that into you, there’s a very high chance he really doesn’t care.

Why it goes from love to no love

When we first got together , we would explore each other with great enthusiasm. Why did it go from love to no love? It’s the mystery at work.

Mystery is the experience of being new, strange, and mysterious due to the gender differences (both physical and psychological) between men and women. It plays a scale of special promotion and vital psychological role in the whole process of love, and even in the life of the married couple. The mystery between men and women arouses the curiosity between the two sexes, and driven by this curiosity, the two require contact and explore each other, and in the process of contact and exploration, if they appreciate each other and are attractive, they will have a good feeling.

The process of falling in love is a process of mutual understanding, and it should be a blessing to know and understand each other, but it is not good for love to know too much, and even some of what you don’t need to know is also known, so that the mystery of each other disappears. Every man and woman should have a personal world, should have their own side of the mystery, not known to anyone. Therefore, if lovers are attracted to each other, they should first maintain a sense of mystery about each other.

This mystery is not fixed; its content is constantly being explored and discovered by the other person, becoming something less mysterious, and constantly being enriched and replaced by new content. And this mystery content update, need to rely on each person constantly with knowledge, wisdom to enrich, some have a beautiful appearance, but no rich inner cultivation of people, often only able to make people in the senses to please a moment: once they get along with them for a long time, because of poor knowledge, no depth of thought, lack of mystery, will soon lose attraction. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

There are a few specific things you can do to enhance the mystery and keep the attraction between lovers:

I. Create interest in your life and change the single, day-to-day, unchanging life. For example, a sudden surprise, or a change of outfit, a change of hair style, or a change in the layout of one’s room, etc., will make the lover feel fresh and happy.

Two, maintain courtesy and respect for each other. Although the two of you have been in love for a long time, you still have to be polite as you were when you first fell in love, and not lose your original tenderness and consideration, because any disrespectful words or actions will greatly damage your attractiveness.

Three, do occasional short separations. Love is not about the day and night, as the saying goes, a small separation is better than a new marriage. Especially after some conflicts, a short separation not only gives both parties time to think calmly and reflect, but also, the mystery of seeing each other after the separation will grow exponentially.

Fourth, try to avoid and reduce physical contact. The sexual acts such as kissing, hugging, touching and so on in love are unquestionable, they can beautify and promote the love between two people, but the number of times should not be too frequent. It’s the same as our diet: less for more flavor, more for less.

V. For pre-marital intercourse, it is not advisable from the point of view of sexual physiology and sexual psychology. Never frequent and naked exposure to your lover, which will make you lose the mystery of sex. The physiological reaction of each person to sexual intercourse is basically approximate, but the psychological state varies. The pursuit of sexual mystery and novelty is the psychological motivation and drive of those who are averse to the old and the new.

Sometimes, we have to admit that love is also realistic to some extent. When there is not enough attraction, love becomes less. So, it requires two people to invest together to run a relationship so that the love does not cool down.

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