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10 major criteria to tell you whether you have chosen the wrong person

As the saying goes, men are afraid of getting into the wrong line of work, and women are afraid of getting married to the wrong man. Although it is said to have entered the 21st century, but for women, choose a man is to choose a life this saying is still not wrong. The most important thing is that women are afraid of loving the wrong person, the wrong person who should not be loved.

Sometimes, we don’t think about right and wrong when we meet a man who feels right. However, by the time we get together later, the person who may have felt right at the beginning, in reality just seems to be very good, and the two do not get along well. This is the unsuitability. If the man also does something that you don’t want to see happen, then it’s the wrong kind of love.

How can you tell if you’re in love with the wrong person? This is something that many women would love to know. The matter of emotions, such as people drink water, cold and warm to know. In fact, in the process of getting along, more pleasure than pain, that is can continue. If he brings you only endless trouble and pain, it is not worth it. This may be too broad, there are some small details that can help us identify. The top ten criteria to tell you if you have chosen the wrong person to love.

1.1. Wish you could change him by force

The most classic mistake . Never marry for the “possibility”. The rule is, if you are not happy with your current Ta, don’t get married. So it’s best to consider whether you can accept and live peacefully with your current situation with regard to the other person’s beliefs, character, personal cleanliness, communication style/skills, and personal habits.

2. Focus more on the “electric feeling”

The current of love at first sight is very powerful. The first time you see him, you think he’s the one you’re looking for. Is it actually? That answer is only known after spending time together. Ask yourself: Do I want to be like this person? Do I want to have children with such a person? If I had children, would I want my children to grow up to be this kind of person?

3. Men don’t know your heart

In the Jewish view of intimacy, this tendency is particularly evident. The husband must meet his wife’s need for intimacy and the wife is the one who sets the rules in their intimate behavior. Because in this area, the man is the “target”.

A wise woman once pointed out that men have only two gears, ‘on’ or ‘off’, while women are more Focus on the sensory process. When a man can shift gears to the “process school”, he will discover the secret to making his wife happier.

4. Not having the same life goals and plans

Building A stable relationship between two people requires three basic conditions:

First, mutual attraction and fit.

Second, common interests/hobbies.

Third, have the same/similar life goals.

Before getting married, deeply understand each other’s life goals. After marriage, two people either grow up to be one, or grow up to be separate. To avoid “separate” you need to realize what you are “living for” while you are still single, and then find the person who comes to the same conclusion as you did.

5. Get intimate too soon

In general The ‘tests’ conducted to prove whether two people are physically compatible are unnecessary. As long as you have some common sense and the two people are emotionally and mentally compatible, there is no need to worry about whether they will be physically compatible. In all the surveys that have looked at divorce, sexual discord almost never appears as a major cause of divorce.

6. There is no deep emotional connection

Do I respect and admire this person? Do I trust this person?

This question is not the same as – do I think he’s great? A Mercedes will also impress us, but we don’t respect someone just because they drive a Mercedes. Some of the character traits that make a person respectable are creativity, loyalty, perseverance, etc. Is this person emotionally stable? Do I feel safe around Ta?

7. Ta doesn’t provide you with emotional security

Ask yourself the following questions: Do I feel calm and relaxed around this person? Can I completely relax and be myself in front of Ta? Does this person make me feel good? If you have a very close friend who can make you feel the above, then make sure you find a partner who can give you the same feeling!

Are you afraid of any aspect of Ta? You shouldn’t feel that you need to be careful what you say around each other in case the other person gets a view of you. If you are afraid to be open and honest with Ta about your opinions and suggestions, then there is a problem in the relationship.

Another element of feeling safe is that you don’t feel like the other person is controlling you. Overly controlling behavior and abuse are often fraternal relationships, and beware of people who are always trying to change you. There is a big difference between controlling and advising – advising is for your own good, while controlling is for Ta’s good.

8. The two are not being honest with each other

The two are in a relationship where Any issues that exist should be discussed. While some topics are unpleasant, they are the only measure of how well you can communicate, step back and work together. Difficult times and problems are inevitable throughout life. Before you make a commitment to marriage, you need to know if the two of you can live with small differences and work together to resolve difficulties.

Don’t be afraid to let each other know “what’s upsetting you” and that’s a measure of your ability to show your soft/vulnerable side to Ta. If you can’t drop the armor, then it’s impossible for two people to be intimate.

9. Use the relationship between two people to escape personal problems and life’s upsets

If you’re single and unhappy now, you’re likely to be married and still unhappy. Marriage is not a solution to personal, psychological, etc. or emotional problems. If it has any effect at all, marriage is only likely to magnify existing problems.

The best girlfriend to raise makes you the one for him

If you are unhappy with yourself and your current life, then Take responsibility for addressing those issues while you are single. You’ll feel better, and your future significant other will thank you for it.

10. You picked the wrong person because Ta is in a love triangle

A triangle doesn’t necessarily mean a romantic or marital relationship; the third corner can be anyone or anything that the other person is overly emotionally attached to – for example, someone who can’t be mentally independent from their parents is a good example. Some people’s overly dependent or parasitic third corner may be material or spiritual, such as a job, drugs, the internet, personal hobbies, pets, sports, or money.

The best girlfriend to raise makes you the one for him

Examine carefully the triangle between you and your lover. A person with a third corner often doesn’t have enough emotion to meet your needs. You won’t be the person Ta values most, and that situation, is not the basis of a marriage.

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