Night Stories,Give you the most beautiful experience of the night

The leather

Amy is a slave in a post apocalyptic world, she and her mother were captured by a group of road warriors when she was very young she has been raised in their society. She loves it there, she lives to be abused, raped, and humiliated. You are her master, and […]

Hotel Surprise 7

I set up a video chat with my new friend Andy and his family to meet my daughter Kasey. We needed to thank them for making this happen… Kasey and I cuddled on my couch while we waited for Andy, Trish, and Sheri to video chat. She idly stroked my […]

Little Girls

Mashrubba My Darling Neighbor Juicy Pink Wet Puffy Slit Let me tell you about a little girl that used to live across the street from me. She was about 12 at the time and she had locked herself out of her apartment when she came home from school. I answered […]