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What kind of man is worth marrying women to marry the 8 kinds of men

No matter how strong you are in the workplace, women will eventually have to return to their families. It is estimated that the number of singles in China today has reached 200 million, although they claim that they do not want to marry, but the main reason is that they have not met the right person. The survey shows that most of the men that women want to marry are the following.

1, the upper hall, but also down the kitchen

In the past, “the upper hall, down the kitchen” is a man’s choice of spouse standard. The company’s main goal is to provide a more efficient and effective way to meet the needs of its customers. These days, a lot of men in the hall, but few men in the kitchen; a lot of men in the kitchen and are professional chefs, stir-fry can be very good but not much on the hall, absorbing more kitchen fumes, in the hall on how to mix. If you meet the hall, but also down the kitchen, women do not miss it. The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you want to do. The first thing you need to do is listen to you. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers. The man who has a big heart and knows how to be tolerant and forbearing can give you a sense of security, and will not lose his temper or gamble with you over the slightest thing, nor will he give you a look of rage, let alone self-abuse and abuse.

3. Good career potential and know how to go home

How can a man do without a career? Without a career, the woman with her has no livelihood security. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers. Should be scrambled, are those who are full of energy, good career potential of unmarried men. Potential, there is the possibility of success. However, women can not ignore such a problem. Most career-oriented men, like to indulge in career and ignore the family, even the family ignored the man, how much interest in life can have? The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

4, can make women laugh at any time

There are two kinds of men who can make women laugh. The most common is the oily type. The most common type is the oily type. However, this type of man is more dangerous. The most prominent performance is to face you, you can hold you up to the sky, to describe you than Chang’e sister taste better, so you can not help but float inside the cool. However, behind your back they are likely to attack you verbally insulting to say that you are uglier than a sow. This kind of man is a typical example of hypocrisy. The man who can really make women laugh is the kind of man who has the ability to be humorous, not complimentary and not condescending. As long as they are a little power, women will be able to a bright. The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you are getting into.

5. The man with the eyes

It is often said that the eyes are the windows to the soul. Each person’s eyes are unique, what kind of heart, there will be what kind of eyes, the two eyes meet. The size of the man’s eyes is not important, the important thing is to have a god, the eyes of the man in life will bring you passion, and the eyes of the man living together, the day like the eyes are listless, bland and tasteless. The man with peaceful eyes has a sense of responsibility, and the man with soft eyes must be a super caring person.

6. A man with a rounded back

A man with two flat shoulders and a rounded back, which is often called a tiger’s back, such a man may look a little fat, but such a man will make you feel secure and dependable. Generally such a man is very considerate of women, is a pillar to bear the burden of the family.

7. A man who knows how to respect you

A man who knows how to respect you is the most important and a good man who deserves to be recognized. He loves you more than he asks, has his own opinions, but never imposes them on you. And he knows how to respect you, respects your choices, and encourages you to develop your own expertise.

8, willing to serve women without losing blood

Men rarely have the sense to serve women, many seem to have, but they are basically superficial. In fact, this service is not something very demanding. Be gentle to women, be polite to women, be considerate to women, be understanding to women, be forgiving to women, be harmonious to women, be trusting to women, be affectionate to women …… These are all services. Unfortunately, many men can not do it from the heart, even if it does, it can not last. What’s more, the service is done, but do too slavishly, do not do like a man, lack of blood. Such men, men despise, women also despise. In a word, a man who uses a man’s posture to genuinely serve women is well worth fighting for.

A man with these 3 characteristics is worth a woman’s time

One, more rational.

A man, who can be sensual, must be more rational than sensual. Because only if he is organized and clear, he will not worsen the relationship between his mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

Two, at the very least, the temper should not be too bad.

Temperament is something that everyone has.

The man you marry must be good-tempered enough, not the kind that curses at the drop of a hat.

Three, will think about you.

When a woman gets married, she is really handing over most of the rest of her life, so be sure to marry a man who will think about you and understand your ideas.

The 4 best Chinese husbands to marry

One, overcome difficulties and grow together

In a relationship between two people, how to overcome the difficulties encountered together and grow together is very important, the two can give each other some advice, even if it may not be solved.

It’s important for two people to be able to give each other advice, even if it might not work out.

Two, willing to tolerate your faults

This kind of man generally has an open mind and will not dislike you because of your faults or clumsiness, but will dote on you more and more, some people say, “The best marriage is when your other half raises you as a daughter. “The best marriage is one in which your significant other raises you as a daughter, and I’d say that’s not unreasonable.

Three, responsible and motivated

For a family, responsibility is definitely the first thing. A man who is responsible will not cheat on your wife behind your back and will take on the burden of being the head of the family, and with his motivation, I believe that life after marriage should be very happy and fulfilling.

Four, know how to respect you, give you space

The man will basically be a bit macho, he may disregard your wishes to decide many things without permission, which often makes women feel that they are not cared for, so if you meet a man who is willing to respect you, do not hesitate to get married!

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