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Which couples can still be friends after the breakup

Most people have experienced breakups, and many even want to continue to be friends with each other after a breakup out of reluctance and inability to let go. We all know that if two people have ever been in love, it is very difficult to be friends after a breakup, especially to be good friends. So, what kind of couple can still be friends after a breakup?

One party is still in love

One party is still in love

One party is still in love, then that party looks back on it, and lovers can’t be friends. And the party that proposed the breakup could not continue to hurt each other, so the breakup did not become a complete stranger. But the result is often heavy, do friends like in perfunctory, when talking cover up, has not been able to speak freely, gradually a long time are not contact, from the life fade out. It’s not like you can be friends after a breakup, as you said at the beginning. The truth is it’s tough to do and can be hard on both sides.

Both people are still in love

Two people go from knowing each other, to knowing each other, to love each other, and after dating for some time, for various reasons, they finally break up peacefully, but both are still in love. When breaking up, there is always one party that will tell that truest of lies, hoping we can still be friends. Sometimes the outcome is not so important, but what was given to each other in those good times and what each other experienced. It may be sad to hear your name and see you have a new relationship. But no matter what, thank you for giving each other the best memories. With the passage of time, perhaps a fond memory, many years later remembering the affair, will faintly say, thank you for giving me a good memory.

Two people who didn’t love deeply

Two people who weren’t very affectionate when they were together and didn’t love each other deeply. Whether it is the length of time they have been together, understand each other, can say that the heart has more rhinoceros may be more, in the conversation more common language, and can also be very natural, do not have to have what can be kept secret, is to become a close friend is the best choice. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

Take each other in stride

If you can be honest about the past you had together, I think friends are possible. The condition is that the hurt party after the breakup can have a very broad-minded, and eventually each other can tolerate to see open, and can be honest, which is also almost generally do friends should have the guidelines. The fact is that many couples are difficult to get rid of the emotions that were once a lover, but it is not impossible to see the open-minded people, and what is the point of staying friends with each other.

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