Night Stories,Give you the most beautiful experience of the night

After the breakup is still in love with each other what are the performance?

Breakup does not mean the end of a relationship, maybe your feelings will continue in another way, just you do not want to and do not want to admit it, maybe the feelings live in their own hearts. After the breakup of that person has been in fact, just from the moment of the breakup was hidden by you, want to forget but sometimes remember, perhaps that she is also in a corner of the earth is thinking of you in their own way. The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you’re doing.

Following each other

This usually manifests subconsciously.

This generally manifests itself subconsciously, for example, when on tiktok to follow each other’s tiktok, when on tiktok you will unconsciously look at his space, when reading text messages you will see the previous text messages between the two of you, when looking at the photo album you will unconsciously browse the pictures you used to take before.

I hope the other person is doing well

You still can’t bear to delete her contact information, and you still pay close attention to anything she posts through the internet from time to time. If she’s doing well, you’re happy for her, and if she’s not doing well, you feel bad for her, as if you still have a one-sided telepathic connection to her.

Reluctant to be mentioned

When love leaves, they are The performance in front of others may be calm down, is indifferent, and is not willing to mention the relationship with others. Although still miss that he from time to time, but the more you don’t let go, the more you like him, the more you will show that you don’t care, the less you want to hear anything from him. When someone because of the mention of his name, the heart will be a stirring.

Delusions that the other person will come around

This kind of person is usually Wholeheartedly focused on love, once they lose that person, the female will lose control of her emotions and find it difficult to come out of the shadow of sadness. They will be thinking about it day and night, and will also constantly call and send messages just to get his message, in the vain hope that he will come around.

They continue to flirt after the breakup

After the breakup, it doesn’t stop They continue to keep in touch and have an affair. They don’t know how to put a break on the relationship or how to end it. So to be able to continue to contact, easy together, just like this vague solution. We have no way of telling whether they are still put off by their exes or not, perhaps only they know.

Do not allow others to denigrate

After a breakup, such a person will The company is still trying to find ways to please him. And, as long as he was mentioned, the mood immediately fell back to the bottom, seriously affecting life physically and mentally. The person is their pain point, as long as a light dial, it is impossible to stop. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

Think of him often

You will think of her in the dead of night

You can’t help but think of her late at night, even though it’s been a long time since we broke up, especially after drinking, as your self-control decreases and you dial her phone with the strength of alcohol, expecting her to talk to you for a while, you can’t tell whether it’s illusion or reality.

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