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Do not try to woo a woman with touching

There are examples in life where someone insists on sending a girl a bouquet of roses every day and finally moves her to agree to marry him. Very romantic, right? I think such loveis very evil, how long can such love be romantic? You can’t send roses every day for the rest of your life, right? Why do you say don’t try to woo a woman with touching?

It will become taken for granted

Life There are many examples of people who have been rejected, and there are those who have used various ways of moving women to chase girls, but I think you are using the wrong way to “move” her, especially from the beginning of a relationship, and you should never use the way of moving to be nice to her. The first thing you need to do is to get used to the way you treat her, she will take it for granted, and when you don’t do it right one day, she will think you are just the same and not that good.

It will make her feel pressured

In the beginning When chasing a woman, don’t “touch” her, it will make her feel pressured and want to avoid you. And don’t suddenly try to surprise her by confessing that you like her, as this makes your “love” seem casual and worthless, and women won’t believe it easily. She thinks it’s not a surprise, it’s a shock. Don’talways be too “touchy-feely” with her, and you’ll end up with tears in your eyes.

It makes her think you’re childish

You The first thing you need to do is to learn a few tricks from a love TV show and imitate the classic romantic and touching confessions in the TV show, thinking, “She will be touched and she will definitely say yes to me as my girlfriend. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

Love is a two-way street

Love is a two-way street

Love is a two-way street

Love is a two-way street

span style=”text-indent:2em;”>emotioncommunication, a deep devotion of two hearts, a love for each other, a spark of soul to soul collision. If two people love each other, it is not necessary to deliberately change themselves to please each other. Men, never go to the bitter pursuit of a person who does not love you at all, when rejected do not think that she will one day be moved by my payment. The woman who doesn’t feel for you will always be heartless and cold inside to you.

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