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How do men talk to women?

Every guy is always nervous when it comes to hitting on a girl, and the lack of necessary pickup experience makes it even more difficult to do so. Now more and more people are using WeChat to contact, even more direct and convenient than the phone, can type can voice can also video, are the way to pick up. So, how do men strike up a conversation with women?

Pretend to ask for directions

Ask for directions and ask for the time or pretend to be mistaken. But these situations are usually over after the pickup, with little chance of development. If you really want to go further, you have to ask her directly if she can be a friend.

On the bus

Pass a note if you’re sitting nearby or type what you want to say into your phone and bring it to her. If you’re sitting nearby, pass a note or type what you want to say into your phone and show it to her. If you don’t have a seat, stand next to her, help her when the car is bumpy, then tell her to be careful, help her carry her stuff, get off with her when she gets off, and then chat for a while to get her contact information.

Praise each other

Praise her for her beauty and wait for her to come here more often. Tell her about something she’s never heard before. Or tell a story to him, real or fictional. In conversation with her, ask her opinion, but be sure to avoid controversial topics.

At work

Under the same roof, there must be many opportunities to see each other every day. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers. It’s easy to create opportunities when you don’t have them, to ask her for a little help with work, and then have a reason to take her to dinner.

In a clothing store

Tell her she has the same body shape as your girlfriend. About the same, let her help you try on the clothes. Then buy the clothes, to buy her dinner as a thank you, clothes put away, and wait for the right time to send her. And tell her that you like her hair, decor and style of clothes, she tends to think that you are thoughtful, tasteful and appreciative.

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