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What do men show when they are jealous?

It is said that women love to be jealous, in fact, jealousy is not the exclusive property of women, some men also like to be jealous, even more serious than women. But the behavior of men jealous, most of them are not easy to be detected. So, what will men do when they are jealous?


Some men may be polite, polite and gentle.

Some men may be polite and gentle, but jealousy to fidget, six relatives, smashing tables and chairs, throwing things, the whole look to eat people.


A macho man is usually jealous and does not appear to care too much.

There are macho people who are jealous and don’t seem to care too much on the surface, but inside they are fierce and will deliberately find fault to hold the other person’s discomfort.


Men get very jealous when they are jealous. extreme, and this jealousy is also a freakish contest. You give her a ring, I’ll give her diamonds; you give him a BMW, I’ll give her a Ferrari. In a word, you can’t lose.


Cutting your wrists, getting your lover’s name tattooed on your arm. piercing your ears and nose to show your love, or even degrading yourself, turning yourself into a wreck, getting high, indulging yourself, etc. It’s only fair to say that all of these actions are actually an irresponsible practice, and have even become a bit psychotic.


This is the kind of man who is so clingy it’s scary. He is not good at expressing himself, but cannot throw away one intention: not to marry her. In order to achieve his goal, he will resort to hounding and pestering the woman, including her relatives, in an uncontrolled manner.

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