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5 tips to make him appreciate you more

Want your love to be always fresh and full of passion? By being understanding and adapting to men’s psychological changes early, you will be able to better capture a man’s heart and keep him by your side. Today teach you 6 tips to make your man cherish you more.

Don’t meet too often

Date once or twice a week, which will keep the freshness and excitement going longer. But if you’re really stuck with your beloved, you can find excuses to see each other more often, but do it in moderation.

Don’t have sex too soon

Slow down, when you’re both ready. are both ready at the same time, then start giving yourself to him. Don’t book a hotel and initiate a relationship in private. This will make him think that you are together purely for sex and will lead to mistrust.

Grab his stomach

I believe that few young women will cook for themselves. The woman should learn to grab the man’s stomach and learn to make a few dishes that her husband loves to eat. Because smart women know: restaurants are good but can not meet their men. The most important thing is to make sure that you have a good idea of what you are doing.

Learn to listen

When a man is excited to talk You’re not “listening” when you sit quietly across from him while a man is talking excitedly. “Listening” is an active behavior, the meaning is interaction and communication. It is not disrespectful to interject from the sidelines from time to time, but to be ready to ask questions, especially valuable ones.

Give him some free space

The circle of men is too small, and there is not much room for career and future development. career and future development space will not be very large; men with too few friends will feel more lonely and their tempers will get worse, so you need to give him a little free space to run his friends and career circle well. You can also be happily involved or casually put up, but never let him wander out of your sight for too long.

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