“Son of Weather” is an animated film work directed by Japanese animation supervisor Makoto Shinkai, released in Japan on July 19, 2019, and in mainland China on November 1, 2019. Here is a collection of classic lines quotes about 2019 “Son of Weather” _ “Son of Weather” movie teary-eyed classic lines. Hope it can help you.
“Son of Weather” Classic Line Quotes
1. The sky is starting to clear now!
2. I would prefer yang choy to blue sky
3. The sky is deeper than the sea, an unknown world.
4. The weather is reversed because of you, and the world is clear because of you.
5. It’s great to meet you
6. No matter it’s sunny or rainy, I just want to meet you.
7. I just want to see her again
8. You are the one who made me find the meaning of existence.
9. Wherever you are, I will try my best to see you.
10, Please, let’s just stay together like this.
11, Just the way the sky looks can change people’s moods.
12, There is another world on the sky, since the beginning of time.
13. I never knew that there were so many people who longed for blue skies.
14. The weather is really incredible, and just the way the sky looks is so moving.
15. It’s a secret that only she and I know, about the world.
16. 100% sunny day girl?
17, In a world full of storms, love bravely together.
18. That summer, above that sky, we changed the look of the world, completely.