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Couples quarrel taboo what? Do not do these

Between husband and wife, bedside fights and bed-ends, occasional quarrels are very normal things. But quarrels if not well mediated, easy to cause a couple of relationship crisis. So what do couples quarrel taboo? Here’s a look at it together.

Don’t attack each other’s “soft spot”

Everyone has their own weaknesses, and a lover is not an enemy, so when you fight and quarrel, you should only “take things personally” and not be aggressive, let alone “expose” as a means of spreading anger, otherwise minor conflicts may well turn into hostility.

Don’t fight when you’re not conscious

People tend to act impulsively when they’re not conscious. When people are not conscious, they tend to do impulsive things, such as drinking alcohol, being extremely depressed, getting hit, etc. At this moment, if conflicts arise, even in the face of a loved one, may be seen as the “enemy”, and may even appear violent. So, don’t fight in this situation.

Leave the man to give a step

Women should not use The woman can’t use leaving home as a tool to punish men, occasionally leaving to make men anxious may have some effect, but using more than one will not only make men resentful, but also easy to hurt the couple’s feelings. The woman especially can not be angry back home as a family routine, men to apologize is a loss of dignity, he can occasionally take you home for the sake of children and conjugal feelings, but will never often embarrass themselves, women quarrel after leaving home will make the original easy to solve the problem has become more complicated, late at night on the street is also easy to accident, they come back to lose face, women can not make this silly.

Nothing to worry about, causing psychological shadows for children

With children It’s best for couples to fight less. The most important thing is to have a good understanding of the situation. This is a contradiction that cannot be denied. The first thing you need to do is to think about your children and calm your impulses when you want to fight!

Demand each other according to their own habits

After all, husband and wife are The two different individuals, after all, are from two different families, there are differences in habits, perhaps not visible before marriage, because subconsciously in love with the stage of men and women in all aspects, including habits will tend to be similar, after marriage is different, the couple will inevitably appear to clash habits, both sides of the inherent some bad habits will be gradually exposed, such as throwing dirty clothes dirty socks, toothpaste squeezed twisted, etc. The company’s main goal is to provide a comprehensive range of products and services to the public.

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