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Why is it not easy for women to walk out after a breakup?

So many couples who break up don’t end up putting down, can’t put down just temporarily, over time, everything will fade away and slowly walk into another life. So, why is it not easy for women to walk out after a breakup?

All in

When faced with love, they just The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you are getting into. The company’s main goal is to provide a more effective and efficient way of dealing with the problem.

Love as a habit

Love as a habit and be loved as a habit. Love also as a habit, to be with each other also as a habit, such women are more likely to be confused and sad when all kinds of habits are not present, if too dependent on the pair just and exist, then, even if the Yangtze River water can not run their own crying tears.

Giving too much

They carefully guard love. The more careful they are, the harder they try to maintain it, the more hurriedly it goes, so they face dismay and loss, and then they expose their wounds to the fullest, and let them become inflamed, septic and festering, until one day another person ends her walking dead muddle and makes her more careful.

Love is everything

For them, love is everything. For love, they can disregard their family, their work, and even everything to begin with, so when love suddenly disappears, they instantly feel that everything disappears with it. The love, money, time, and friendship all become less important, and work and ideals are all dispensable.

Dare not face it

The ambitious blueprint that was planned for the relationship has been destroyed by the other person’s desertion.

They are not only thinking that the other party took away their love, but also took away their previous plans and expectations for the future, and they feel sorry for themselves, and gradually lost their way in love and life, not daring to face reality.

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