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Is a broken marriage really irretrievable?

For married life, men are usually prone to a polarization, thinking that as long as they earn money and acquire material things, they are responsible for the family, but in the happiness of the whole family life, material support can only occupy half, and the other half is to work with the wife on the family relationship and relationship management care, which is an important factor for a happy life after marriage. and emotional management of care, which is an important factor in the success of married life. The first is that the marriage is not a good one.

Look at the foundation of the marriage

You can look at whether the marriage was voluntary or forced by parents or others.

See things differently

Couples whose relationships have faded are probably The most important thing is that you can get a good idea of what you want to do. In fact, a different perspective will always find that there are actually many things that do not involve right and wrong and principles, so do not take these too seriously. It’s all about whether or not we can tolerate each other, understand each other and adapt to each other’s personalities.

Think about each other’s strengths

Couples who are not getting along in general

The average couple with a bad relationship tends to see only each other’s flaws, so the more they look at each other, the more they dislike each other.

Looking at the post-marital relationship

The post-marital relationship refers to the couple’s life together

Post-marital affection is the state of affection during which the couple lives together: the first depends on whether the two parties have established conjugal affection after marriage, such as whether they can care for each other, be considerate, discuss family matters as equals, and share obligations; the second depends on the development of conjugal affection and its reasons for change, time and degree.

Looking at the reasons for divorce

Finding out the real reasons for divorce is The actual reason for the divorce is a very important issue in determining whether the couple’s relationship has indeed broken down. In actual life, the reasons for divorce are many. The actual reason for the divorce is subjective and objective.

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