Many people like to facebook when they are bored to express their mood. If you want to send a Facebook post, pick a mood that represents your personality and say it!
The mood of facebook when you are bored
1, it turns out that in addition to time, there is your back.
2. I have nothing but an uncertain tomorrow and a future I don’t know.
3. I can’t stop the wind that is leaving, I can’t hold the whole sky.
4. The second row of letters on the keyboard means: fall in love with each other and cry afterwards.
5. At the beginning, they all said they wouldn’t commit, but in the end, they were all doomed.
6. When happiness leaves you behind, don’t be afraid to have solitude with you.
7. Is love a spiritual opiate or a boring end-of-century pastime!
8. I held back the pain and forced a smile so you wouldn’t see the scars behind my mask.
9. The highest level of boredom, with the TV on, pressing the phone, chewing snacks and looking at the computer.
10. A common mistake people make is to spend time caring about people who don’t care much about you.
11. I thought I was strong enough, tears laughed at me for telling lies.
12. Every time I talk to you about something that even I find boring, I just want to talk to you.
13. Sometimes, a person is dull, a person is bored, a person goes dull because he is bored.
14. Sometimes, I admire myself for being able to joke about the disastrous past as if nothing had happened.
15. Once the first letter of your name was recognized by my input method, but now I have to search for the pinyin of your full name for half a day.
Boring sentences mood with pictures