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Why is it so hard to have a long distance relationship?

Long-distance love because each goes its own way, some times love does not come first, are how many couples are broken up because of helplessness, but always said to be not firm feelings. The actual is not firm? I believe there is nothing wrong with loving each other sincerely. So, why is it so hard to have a long distance relationship?

Expression Disorder

I can’t hear the tone of voice in text messages and I can’t see the expression on the phone.

I’m not angry, you take it seriously; I’m laughing, you can’t see it; I’m crying, holding the phone crying tired of sleeping through and waking up, you’re busy?

Not real enough

The beauty of love lies in two hearts clinging to each other, not two bodies The beauty of love lies in two hearts clinging to each other, not in two bodies. The richer society gets, the more abundant material things become, the more fragile human nature becomes. When strength is only a veneer, when humanity returns to its own self, it is difficult to fill the heart as desired.

Economic ability

Economic foundation determines the superstructure, which determines people’s The economic base determines the superstructure and determines people’s quality of life and their ability to sustain their emotions. It is not love that is illusory, and it is difficult to sustain a relationship based on warm words and romantic language. Food is also sex, —- from this sentence it is clear that the filling of the stomach in the first, and emotional sexual desire can only be after this.

Circles are different

If two people are together, the circle of two people’s interactions will fuse into a common circle, and the topics are always being updated. The two people who are not together will gradually lose interest in each other’s surroundings due to unfamiliarity, and slowly, the only words they can say are the empty ‘I miss you’.

Good Lies

I happened to go to the movies with a guy I know well, and thought I thought about it and said to you that I went with a girl. You went alone to the place we had agreed to go together, hesitated and told me you didn’t go anywhere. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

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