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How to catch up with the girl of your choice? Six moves to help you catch up with the girl you like

Many guys tend to feel timid and even afraid to show themselves when they see the girl they love. In fact, the boys should be brave, want to have to pay. So, how do the boys chase the girl of their choice? The following is a list of six ways to do this.

Create a good image

What you need to do is to create a good image, including clothing, body type, and body image.

having a common lifestyle

This is important to be able to run into this Women this is the key, to put it bluntly, two people with roughly the same life path, men must be better than women, if not a world of people, you must find a way to pull her into your life path, let her fit in, this is the long term plan to get along.

Use your humor

Figure out what type of jokes she likes. Does she laugh at puns? Sarcasm? Once you find out what type of humor she likes, then try to be a comedian. If she laughs at your jokes, you’re on the right track to winning her heart. Humor can easily compensate for a lack of attractiveness on the outside.

Start as a friend first

Try not to come on with a “I want to be a friend” attitude.

Try not to come up with a “I want to chase you” stance. If you suddenly launch a passionate attack on a girl you have not known for a long time, you are bound to scare her away: no one welcomes the sudden unknown. In addition, from the time you start to like her, you should start to pay attention to their own dress image, nowadays girls generally do not like those who dress very out of date, do not pay attention to dress with, and look gray head of the man. And girls are more likely to favor guys who look clean, not sloppy.

Be careful how you get into her life

If you get into her life too quickly, the girl who’s attracted to you will be the one who’s going to get into her life. If you get involved in her life too quickly, the girl who is attracted to you may label you as a stalker and avoid you. Instead, take your time and let her know you’re there. Come up with a reason to talk to her online, find a reason to meet up with her and comment back on her page, or ask a friend to put your name delicately into a conversation. Once she recognizes you as a real, breathing individual, you can slowly build a relationship.

Know how to keep your distance

When you’re getting hot with her, be Avoid talking to her every half hour. Don’t send stupid texts at 1am and don’t always show up at her door. If you communicate with her too often, she’ll think your relationship is settled and the passion will fade. Instead, keep the distance and the sanctity of communication.

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