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Sexless marriage how to save these methods or can save sexless marriage

Why do some couples not have sex within marriage? This kind of marriage is also called a sexless marriage, so what is the impact of a sexless marriage on men? The actual fact is that you can find a lot of people who are not able to get a lot of money for their own personal use. Here are some ways that may help you improve your current state.

The reasons why couples don’t have sex in marriage are these:

Sexual inferiority complexSexual inferiority complex

In addition, men with sexual dysfunction have a psychological fear of losing their physical health and may feel inferior to their masculine beauty; they also have a special fear of being abandoned by their beloved ones. Out of protection, he may also be suspicious of whether his wife has another love. They will work harder in their academic and professional performance and do better in other areas to prove that they are a good man. So they are also painfully torn inside and need more patience and gentle persistence from their spouse.

Cognitive factors

During the relationship, the couple’s knowledge of sexual The lack of knowledge about sex can also lead to asexuality. If this is the cause, it can be remedied through learning.

Lack of emotion within marriage

Healthy sex is predicated on love. The more thoughtful and loving you feel towards each other, the more frequent and harmonious your sex life will be. The more you feel for each other, the more you feel for each other, the more frequent and harmonious your sex life will be. What expressions of love or things that moved each other have been done by both sides? If you got married in a confused way, now that you have grown up, it is time to clean up and change, and you have responsibilities as a wife. What was the other person’s previous relationship history like, and did he have other intended partners?

How a sexless marriage affects men:

A normal man who has not had sex for a long time will first have an impact on the psychological level, causing a negative impact, which in turn can lead to sexual dysfunction. The brain is the key to mastering lust, and when lust festers in the mind, the stimulus is transferred to the pituitary gland via the lower cerebral thalamus, giving the body the urge to be “sexual” and the male the command to have an erection.

In this case, if the desire is suppressed for a long time, the body will become unfamiliar and detached from the above-mentioned stimulation patterns, and over time, it will not become aroused, and the motor nerves of the yj will become dull or even degenerate in the absence of exercise. So prolonged abstinence could potentially lead to impotence in men.

How to save a sexless marriage:

Put the problem Putting problems out in the open

Couples must be open and honest about their problems in order to have further communication. Studies have found that up to 1/3 of women have never had an orgasm and 1/3 of men have problems with premature ejaculation and impotence, but are afraid to tell each other. It is recommended that couples watch heartwarming sex movies together, find topics from them that they can discuss with each other, talk about how they feel, and in turn talk about the problems they are experiencing.

Seeking variety for freshness

Male sexuality is very physical, very direct sensual stimulation. It is a direct sensual stimulation, and likes different sensations, different times and places, and different variations and patterns. This is very different from women’s preference for romantic, stable emotional relationships. Therefore, it is best for both partners to get to know and adjust to their significant other. For example, an occasional trip to a motel or redoing the bedroom can be very exciting and refreshing for men. For women, men should be attentive to foreplay, to let the wife in the usual feel their love and care. This is a great way to get women excited.

Seek sex counseling and therapy together

Master, a contemporary sex therapist once famously said, “Sex is a two-person affair; if one person is bad, the other will not be happy.” Therefore, the couple’s sex, if after mutual discussion still can not be resolved, it is best to seek help together, the treatment will be more effective. For example, if a man has erectile dysfunction, he actually needs his significant other to be around to stir up the libido and ignite the fire of desire. The woman’s low libido or fear of pain also needs to be fully understood by the gentleman and defused with love and patience.

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