Night Stories,Give you the most beautiful experience of the night

When you are depressed, you may want to take off your mental makeup

In terms of social environment, the long years of economic recession, the increasing lack of tolerance from supervisors for the work mistakes of their subordinates, and especially the extra emphasis on personnel assessment in companies and the grading system in schools, all put an invisible pressure on people. In this environment, people’s emotions and behaviors interact, and their thoughts tend to go in one direction, which can easily cause mood swings.

Bin Yanagi, director of the Tokyo Institute of Psychological Dynamics, has developed a method of self-tuning that some call “mental makeup removal. The company’s main goal is to provide a solution to the problem of the problem. For the negative memories, not overnight to wash away as much as possible. The specific method is: before going to sleep, you can imagine that there is a murmuring stream. If you can’t imagine it, you can also face a picture of a stream and recall the unpleasant experiences of that day and let them all go downstream. Next, whisper three sentences:

①”I am ……” (e.g., my most desired state of mind);

②”I will do… …” (e.g., a state of mind that is competent);

③ “I aspire to be ……” (e.g., a spiritual readiness to approach the mission).

Take the example of the aforementioned Volunteer A. Her first paragraph could be “I am willing to help the elderly”; her second paragraph could be “I have the ability to take care of the elderly”; and her third paragraph could be “Taking care of the elderly makes me happy. makes me happy.” Say this to yourself, and then finish by telling yourself that when you wake up in the morning, you will be very clear-headed and happy. After that, go to sleep as soon as possible.

One of the most important things you can do with the mental makeup removal method is to set a big ambition. If you have an ambitious goal in life, even in the face of setbacks, you will quickly get rid of the low mood and elicit positive results. If this mood does not improve consistently, it is time to think about whether you are suffering from depression and should see a neurologist.

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