In the movie “Pretty Woman,” Julia Roberts plays a prostitute who never kisses her clients simply because her mother tells her that kissing is an act of intimacy and sex is not.
And surveys show that sex workers do avoid kissing their clients to prevent getting emotionally involved with them. What makes kissing so magical? What happens when the lips meet? What is it about such an action that turns it into a symbol of intimacy? Let’s take a look at the following:
1. Before and after the lips meet, couples usually look at each other affectionately for a few moments from a short distance.
And if one of them is uncomfortable with their relationship, he will not be able to gaze at the other naturally and will involuntarily look away or interrupt the other’s gaze. This makes kissing a way to test both partners’ feelings.
2. Kissing between lovers is a gender-neutral sexual act.
When kissing, both partners feel the same body parts “entering” and “being entered” at the same time. The skin of the lips is the thinnest in the body and is covered with nerve endings that are rich in sensibility.
3. Kissing doesn’t get you pregnant – so it’s done purely for pleasure. (Beware of people who say, kiss it, you won’t get pregnant anyway ……)
4. The series of small movements of two people during a kiss is actually an unconscious conversation – who has stronger oral movements, who opens his mouth reluctantly, who just opened their mouths and didn’t move – it all says a lot about how they feel about the relationship.
5. People generally get to know other people through only four senses – sight, hearing, touch, and smell.
And during a kiss, not only is taste, a seldom used sense, greatly stimulated, but the scent emitted by the other person is also more intense than usual. The person’s unique taste and smell is different from the others, and the impression of the person will be engraved in your mind in an extraordinary way.